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Flood water covered the fields by the river.

Flood control planning should include the protected objects, aims and tasks of flood control, flood control measures and act ion plans, delimit the flooded area, the flood storage and detention area and the flood control protected area, and determine the 防洪规划应当确定防护对象、治理目标和任务、防洪措施和实施方案,划定洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区的范围,规定蓄滞洪区的使用原则。
Flood impact assessment reports for oilfields, railways, highways, mines, power plants, telecommunications installations and pipelines to be built within flood storage and detent ion areas should include flood control and flood evasion plans arranged by c 在蓄滞洪区内建设的油田、铁路、公路、矿山、电厂、电信设施和管道,其洪水影响评价报告应当包括建设单位自行安排的防洪避洪方案。
Flood prevention schemes for other rivers involving two or more provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be formulated by the relevant river basins administrative agencies in conjunct ion with the releva 跨省、自治区、直辖市的其他江河的防御洪水方案,由有关流域管理机构会同有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府制定,报国务院或者国务院授权的有关部门批准。
Flood warnings and watches were in effect Tuesday afternoon for much of the Mid-Atlantic region. 星期二下午在中大西洋大部分地区发出了洪水警告和警戒消息。
Flood water covered the fields by the river . 洪水淹没了河边的田地.
Flood water covered the fields by the river. 洪水淹没了河边的田地.
Flood water is discharged through the sluice on the Three Gorges Dam on June 19, 2007. 2007年6月19日随着三峡大坝的泄洪,滞留了多天的洪水倾泻而下。
Flood-battered residents along the Huaihe River have been urged to brace for another soaking with more torrential rains expected in the next week. 沿淮河一代被洪水围绕的居民准备迎接下星期更加猛烈的暴雨.
Flooding and typhoons killed 2,704 people last year, according to the China Meteorological Administration. That was the second-deadliest year on record after 1998, when summer flooding claimed 4,150 lives. 据中国气象局消息,去年死于洪水和台风的总人数为2704人,这个数字仅次于1998年洪水致死的4150人。
Flooding appears to be especially severe in low-lying New Orleans, where officials had warned Katrina would overwhelm the city's system of protective levees. 带电的电线滑落,天然气管道破裂,当局警告居民暂时不要返回住所。
Flooding of three vertical shafts trapped the miners as they changed shifts. 三个竖井发生透水,把正在换班的工人困在井下。

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