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The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather.

The outcomes show that the rational annual volume of water regulation should be 16 billion m^3 under the joint actions of three random processes of annual water deficit of Huayuankou Station, carrying capacity of the main river and distribution volume of 结果表明:在花园口站年缺水量、黄河干流输水能力和花园口配水量3个随机过程共同作用下,合理的年调水量应为160亿立方公尺;年调水170亿立方公尺和80亿立方公尺,也是可行的方案。
The outcomes show that the two methods can separate the basin pollution load from different sides, the two separation results are close to each other and can be provided as references for drafting pollution prevention policies and; the proportion of the t 结果表明,两种方法可以从不同的侧面分别对流域污染负荷进行分割,且两者分割结果相近,可以为流域污染防治政策的制定提供参考;流域内两类污染负荷所占比重大体相当,枯水年点源污染比重略高,而丰水年非点源污染比重较大。
The outcrop that we found proved to be very rich in gold. 我们发现的露头证明它藏有很多金矿。
The outcry that followed persuaded the Swiss bank to scale back its private-equity operations. 在随后到来的公开反对的声浪中,瑞士信贷将手缩回了自己的投资项目上。
The outdoor concert was a great success! 那场户外的演唱会很成功!
The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather. 露天音乐会由于天气之故而被取消.
The outdoor industry has been growing steadily for the past three years after a fairly serious dip in sales in 2001, primarily attributed to the terrorism attacks. 主要是恐怖袭击的原因,户外行业在2001年经历了相当严重的销售低谷,在其后的3年中又开始稳步增长。
The outdoor lighting environment was evaluated by using fuzzy mathematical model. 摘要借助于模糊数学模型对居住区室外光环境的质量进行评价。
The outdoor parasitical efficiency of T. brontispae was normally 40%-50% and tiptop was 100%, A. hispinarum was normally 20%-30% and tiptop was 47%. 椰心叶甲啮小蜂的大田寄生率一般为40%~50%,最高可达100%。
The outdoor swimming party fell flat because of the rain. 室外游泳会因雨而无法举行。
The outdoor swimming pool is shaded by the trees. 室外游泳池让您在游泳健身的同时享受室外的优美风光。

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