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I eat vegetables because my conscience revolts against killing animals.

I eat merely to put food out of my mind. 我吃东西只是为了不再去想食物.
I eat more pasta than all other foods combined. 我吃的面食比其他所有的食物加起来的数量还要多。
I eat more pineapples than you . 我吃的菠萝比你多得多.
I eat potatoes because I like them. 我常吃土豆,因为我爱吃土豆。
I eat the whole snail (withour shell)?No need to throw away any part of it?Thanks! 应该是和吃螺蛳一样吧。有一小部分好像是不好吃的。
I eat vegetables because my conscience revolts against killing animals. 我吃蔬菜,因为我从良心上对杀生感到厌恶。
I ection of some cargo will take place at ports in South Korea, Singapore and Oman. 在韩国、新加坡和阿曼的港口将对部份货物进行检查。
I either jumped or was knocked off the deck; I can't be sure which. 我也记不清是自己跳还是是被打落的,反正也摔出了甲板,掉进海里。
I emailed her back with what I thought was a pretty good answer. 我把我认为的好答案发给了她。
I embraced foreign language study as a hobby as a teenager in 1944. 1944年,当我十几岁的时候,我就把学习语言当成了业务爱好。
I embroidered wild flowers on the pillow. 我在这枕头上绣了野花。

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