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In one large study, 6 percent of hospice patients improved enough to be taken off the terminal list and sent home.

In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone thereof. 46应当在一个房子里吃,不可把一点肉从房子里带到外头去。羊羔的骨头一根也不可折断。
In one instance, a group of Persian-speaking men hurried out of the hotel once word spread that a reporter was asking about them. 有一次,因为传说有位记者要访问他们,一群操着波斯语的男子甚至夺门而出。
In one it is very much like the Assyrian version, with squared-off wavy wings. 其中一个与亚述人版本非常相似,拥有攻击架式的波状翅膀。
In one kilometre from the place he has run out of petrol. 在离家还有一公里的地方他的汽油用完了。
In one kind of pool game called eight-ball, players try to put the numbered balls into the pockets, with the eight-ball before all the other balls are in the pockets. 有一种叫台球游戏叫“八号球戏”:玩球的人要设法先将其他编号的球都打进袋子里,最后才把八号球打进去。
In one large study, 6 percent of hospice patients improved enough to be taken off the terminal list and sent home. 根据一项大型研究,约百分之六安宁病患身体康复到可以从病危名单中除名,出院回家。
In one limited sense, as we shall hereafter see, this may be true; but it is preposterous to attribute to mere external conditions, the structure, for instance, of the woodpecker, with its feet, tail, beak, and tongue, so admirably adapted to catch insect 从某一狭义来说,正如以后即将讨论到的,这种说法可能是正确的;但是,譬如说,要把啄木鸟的构造、它的脚、尾、喙,如此令人赞叹地适应于捉取树皮下的昆虫,也仅仅归因于外界条件,则是十分荒谬的。
In one minute I ran the gamut of feeling from hope to despair. 在一分钟内,我历经了从希望到失望感觉的种种层面。
In one minute the hole was covered. Eee-Eee went on working until the bell stopped ringing. 洞很快就被补上了。“噫噫”一直在干,直到铃声停止。
In one of Robert Weber's drawings a hostess prompts her respectable-looking husband at their cocktail party, saying, “Sweetie, show the Hazlitts the watercolors you made in jail. 在罗伯特?韦伯的一幅画中,一个女招待在一次鸡尾酒聚会上催促着她的风度翩翩的丈夫说:“亲爱的,把你在牢里画的水彩画拿出来,给海烈茨夫妇瞧瞧。”
In one of his first duties under his new role as a club ambassador – part of the new 2-year deal he sign in April – the Norwegian was on hand to demonstrate his ball skills with youngsters, announce the new soccer development programme and fielded questio 这是他作为俱乐部形象大师的第一个任务——也是他4月前数的2年合约的一部分——挪威人准备向年轻人展示足球技术,宣布足球发展计划并回答国际媒体的问题。

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