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Be a beauty parlor , body-contouring centre , ideal body-building centre instrument!

Be Proud of being chinese, but be ashamed of some of the chinese (who has the behavior hereinbefore, including ALL leaders in No.80 High, part of the teachers and some of the students)! 以自己生在中国为豪,却以某些(指的是拥有以上行为的人,包括北京市第八十中学里的所有领导,部分老师和一些学生)中国人为耻!
Be Skillful in operating mill/drill/grinder/lathe. 熟练操作车,铣,磨,钻床。
Be a ascular surgeon: presere, repair, or reconstruct essels. Life and function run through them. 做一个血管外科医师:保护,修复或重建血管。生命和功能在血管中流动。
Be a bad dog, and I'll whale the stuffing outa you. 做条好狗,就万事大吉,前程无量;做条坏狗,我就把你打下稀烂。
Be a beautiful woman such as flower and water. 做个美丽的花水女人吧.
Be a beauty parlor , body-contouring centre , ideal body-building centre instrument! 是美容院、美体中心、健身中心的理想仪器!
Be a bit toilet paper, I am gone still you are! 不就是一点手纸吗,我用完还你就是了!
Be a buddy, not a bully! (做个好朋友,不要当恶霸!)
Be a card-carrying member ,Take a photo gray card along: It's much better for setting digital “white” balance, for accurate spotmeter exposures with slide film, for a photofinishing reference point for color-print film, etc. 作一个随身带着灰板的人,经常随身携带一块灰板(18%辉):这样很有利于你设定所谓的“白”平衡(使用数码相机),如果使用反转片拍摄的话可以用灰板来进行准确的点测光,在印制相片过程中可以作为片子里的一个参考点来进行色彩设定。
Be a follower when you are covered in a missed of uncertainty. 对自己不确定的事情要跟在后面听从意见。
Be a follower when you are shrouded by the mists of uncertainty. 当你被未知所笼罩,就做一个追随者吧。

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