It is deemed that in cotton reinforcing physical structure mainly through promoting lignin synthesis and increasing lignin accumulation.
认为棉花植株主要通过促进木质素生成和增加积累量以强化组织结构。 |
It is deemed that local governments have the authority and various resources enough to foster the development of private businesses in the course of China's economic transformation because of the time-lag in governmental function changing and institution
认为在经济转型时期,由于政府职能转变和多方面体制改革的滞后,地方政府能够用足够的权力和多种资源扶持民营企业的发展,从而形成民营企业预算的软约束和盲目的投资热。 |
It is deeply informed by autobiography—as was “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”, Milan Kundera's most famous work, and all his other novels—and by the sense of his relationship to that ever-shifting entity called History.
这本书的内容因作者对自己的小说(包括他最著名的‘生命之不能承受之轻’以及其他小说)的自传体描述以及作者本人和历史的特殊关系而深入丰富,涵盖广博。 |
It is definitely older than the Ramayan (at least 5500 B.C) and some internal evidence takes it as far as 23,000 B.C.
明确地,是比玛雅语更加古老(至少是公元前5500年),一些内在证据就认为它是远到公元前23,000年。 |
It is deliberately used in a Keynesian-style way to manage demand in the economy and this is a stated goal of housing policy in a way that is rare in the EU.
那就是有意识地运用凯恩斯理论方式来管理经济中的需求,这是住房政策的一个规定的目标,欧盟其他国家却几乎不会采取该方法。 |
It is delicious served with red meat, game meat, cold meats or cheese.
可以搭配红烧肉,野味烧烤,冷冻肉和乳酪。 |
It is delightful to be among friends, both old and new.
新老朋友济济一堂,我感到很愉快。 |
It is delightful to know I am read by readers so far from home.
能让家乡以外的读者认识我,也是值得让人欣慰之事。 |
It is demanded that the hospital arrange for the care of the wounded as soon as possible.
要求这家医院尽快安排护理这些受伤者. |
It is demanding to fabricate crane bridge as large welded structure, so the upgrade to change its span is very challenging.
摘要起重机桥架作为大型焊接结构件,制造要求高,其改制具有典型意义。 |
It is demonstrated that changing parameters of the dipole antenna is an effective method to adjust its resonant characteristics; the good reduced size can be achieved by properly altering its parameters; and the meander-line dipole antenna are suitable fo
结果表明,弯折线偶极子天线的参数改变对天线谐振特性有较强的调节作用,适当的改变天线的参数可以获得较好的天线尺寸缩减特性,适合RFID标签天线的应用。 |