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Article 28 The competent authorities of the Chinese Government referred to in Article 19 of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens are the Ministry of Labor and Personnel of the People's Republic of China.

Article 28 The People's Bank of China may not make an overdraft for the government, and may not directly subscribe or underwrite State bonds or other government bonds. 第二十八条中国人民银行不得对政府财政透支,不得直接认购、包销国债和其他政府债券。
Article 28 The State shall encourage and support the processing and comprehensive development and utilization of grains, increase the added value of grains and improve the nutritive structure of people's food. 第二十八条国家鼓励和支持粮食的加工和综合开发利用,增加粮食的附加值,改善人民的食物营养结构。
Article 28 The State shall ensure protective mining for the special or rare types of coal which are of important value to the national economy. 第二十八条对国民经济具有重要价值的特殊煤种或者稀缺煤种,国家实行保护性开采。
Article 28 The administrative department in charge of science and technology under the State Council shall organize in a planned manner the implementation of major basic scientific research programmes in the frontier disciplines and in economic and social 第二十八条国务院科学技术行政部门对学科前沿和经济、社会发展中的重大基础性科学研究课题,应当有计划地组织实施。
Article 28 The board of directors or joint management committee shall convene at least one meeting each year, called and presided over by the chairman of the board or the director of the committee. 第二十八条董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议每年至少召开1次,由董事长或者主任召集并主持。
Article 28 The competent authorities of the Chinese Government referred to in Article 19 of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens are the Ministry of Labor and Personnel of the People's Republic of China. 第二十八条《外国人入境出境管理法》第十九条所称的中国政府主管机关是指中华人民共和国劳动部。
Article 28 The construction noise emitted to the living environment of the neighbourhood within an urban area shall be kept within the limits set by the State on the emission of environmental noise within the boundary of a construction site. 第二十八条在城市市区范围内向周围生活环境排放建筑施工噪声的,应当符合国家规定的建筑施工场界环境噪声排放标准。
Article 28 The documents of information compiled by a company for revelation at home and abroad shall not be self-contradictory in contents. 第二十八条公司所编制的向境内和境外公布的信息披露文件,内容不得相互矛盾。
Article 28 The fiscal year of the joint venture company shall be calendar year from January 1 to December 31. 第二十八条合营公司会计年度采用日历年制,从每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止为一个会计年度。
Article 28 The freedom of the person of Hong Kong residents shall be inviolable. 第二十八条香港居民的人身自由不受侵犯。
Article 28 The multiple for the land value tax additionally levied under Paragraph 1, Article 18 of the Act shall be determined by the authority of development together with the departments of land administration, finance, and taxation considering the dev 第28条依本条例第十八条第一项规定加徵地价税之倍数,由开发主管机关会商地政、财政及管辖稽徵机关,视新市镇发展情形拟订,层报行政院核定。

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