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Although Jupiter has a circumference of 280,000 miles, compared with Earth's 25,000, Jupiter manages to make one turn in nine hours and fifty-five minutes.

Although Jews are often thought of as the followers of Judaism, many modern Jews are not religious. 虽然很多人以为犹太人都信奉犹太教,但是在现今许多犹太人却不信教。
Although Jimmy was very weak in his last days, he was still in high spirits. 6在他最后的日子里,吉米虽然很虚弱,但依旧情绪饱满。
Although John's grandfather was almost eighty years old, he still moved with alacrity. 约翰的祖父虽然年近八十,但动作仍很敏捷。
Although Jose Mourinho's men still remain in pole position at the top of the table, United's No.2 believes opposition teams are now taking a more positive approach against the Champions and recent results have shown it's working. 虽然穆利尼奥的人仍然在领头羊的位置上,曼联的2号人物相信切尔西的对手们已经有了更多的信心来击败他们,而最近的比赛结果也证实了这点。
Although Joyon was sailing a much faster boat than the previous record-holder, most saw little chance of him getting even close to 80 days. 尽管茹瓦永驾驶的帆船比前世界记录保持者的快的多,但是大多数人都认为他不太可能在近80天内完成航海。
Although Jupiter has a circumference of 280,000 miles, compared with Earth's 25,000, Jupiter manages to make one turn in nine hours and fifty-five minutes. 尽管木星的圆周有280,000英里,而地球只有25,000英里,木星每9小时55分自转一圈。
Although Juventus seem to be on the verge of signing Jorge Andrade from Deportivo La Coruna, it seems as if they want two quality centre-backs for their top-flight return. 尽管尤文几乎签下了拉科鲁尼亚的安德拉德,但尤文看上去想签下2名有质量的中后卫以配合他们高调的重返巅峰。
Although Kuan Yin was still being portrayed as a male as late as the tenth century, with the introduction of Tantric Buddhism into China in the eighth century during the T\'ang dynasty, the image of the celestial bodhisattva as a beautiful white-robed god 尽管观音十世纪后仍作为女性来描绘,唐朝期间八世纪随着佛教密宗传入中国,以美丽白袍女神天上菩萨图像影响更为突出而围绕她的虔诚仪式也变得更加普遍。
Although Labour has the largest number of peers, they are harder to control than their cousins in the lower house. 尽管工党贵族人数众多,但比下议院的工党更难控制。
Although Lange could not see the artin her pictures, her work has many of the same features as a painting. 虽然兰格无法看见她照片所呈现出来的「艺术」,但她的作品包含了绘画的许多特点。
Although Leeds will be permitted to compete in League One next season, Bates and fellow directors face losing the funds they committed purchasing the club, which were in excess of £3.5m. 尽管利兹俱乐部将被允许参加下个赛季的顶级联赛,但巴特斯以及其他一些董事却可能失去他们前期为赎回俱乐部而支付的超过350万英镑巨款。

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