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About the end of April, his temperature dropped to 37°C spontaneously. 大约在4月底,他的体温,自然地降到摄氏37度。
About the intelligential measuring and controlling node, the composing of its function modules, the work principle, the hardware frame, software design and the method of realization of each module are recommended in details. 对智能测控节点的功能模块组成,各模块的工作原理、硬件设计、软件设计及它们的实现方法进行了较深入的探讨和详细的论述。
About the payment of the benefits, from August 2007, the festival benefit will be paid by salary while the other benefits remain. 关于员工福利的支出,从2007年8月起,过节费通过工资发放,其他福利仍沿用目前的形式。
About the problem of potential interference between WLAN and medical devices, this paper provide a series of test methods, requirements, flow and the evaluation on medical devices working status, after analyzing related poten-tial interference factors, wi 关于无线局域网设备是否会对医疗设备产生不良干扰问题的测试研究方案,测试参考了国际上和医疗无线干扰相关的标准,并借鉴国外一些医院的测试经验,在分析了无线局域网络对医疗设备潜在干扰的相关因素基础上,总结了一系列的测试方法和要求,并描述了测试流程及对医疗设备性能的评估。
About the relegation battle, the player predicts that: Messina and Chievo will be drawn back in the fight to avoid the Serie B. “关于保级大战,这名球员预言:梅西纳和切沃将掉入保级军团。
About the return goods,please contact with your supplier or vender . 有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售货商接洽。
About the return, , pls consult with your supplier or seller. 有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售货商接洽。
About the time Cromwell was leading army of artisans and peasants against the English Parliament, the whole area of cultivated land within the limits of the Manchu Empire was 130 million acres. 大约在克伦威尔领导工匠和农民的军队同英国国会作战的时期,清帝国疆域内的全部耕地有八亿亩,人口则有七千万,土地问题显然已到了危机关头。
About thirteen percent of the population is black, and about five percent is of Asian ancestry. 大概30%的人口是黑人,还有大概5%的人是亚洲血统。
About thirty minutes,more or less. 大约三十分钟左右。
About this conference, however, there are a few study problems needing reconsidering: the resolution to reorganize the Red Army was made not in Zunyi but in Zhaxi Conference; CPC's Resolution on Campaigns against Enemy's Five-Times' Encirclements was endo 这些问题,有些一时难以得出确切结论,如关于当时中共中央政治局内是否设有常委、张闻天是“总负责”还是任中央书记处“总书记”的问题;有些问题虽然存在各种说法,但却可以根据文献和史实,得出统一的结论,这就是:对红军进行整编是扎西会议作出的决定,而不是遵义会议作出的决定,整编工作是在扎西会议后进行的;《关于反对敌人五次“围剿”的总结的决议》是在2月8日的扎西会议上通过的,这个决议也不能简称为《遵义会议决议》。

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