What is your target platform and browser (if you know)?
什麽是您目标的平台跟浏览器(如果您知道的话)? |
What is your telephone number?
你的电话号码是多少? |
What is your total estimated net worth?
你的净资产总计大约有多少美元? |
What is your trading objective?
您的交易目标是什么? |
What is your usual recreation?
你们平时在这里有什么娱乐吗? |
What is your view about high leverage in Forex trading?
您对外汇保证金交易的高杠杆融资有什么感受? |
What is your view about the current fiscal deficit?
如果再连续几年增发国债的话,财政风险会不会逐渐加大? |
What is your view concerning China's fiscal risk?
今年我国财政赤字是3098亿元,占国内生产总值比重的3%。 |
What is your waist measurement ?
你的腰围是多少? |
What is your wish in the new year?
欣欣,你的新年愿望是什么? |
What is your working definition of Non-Conformance ?
定义你工作中不合格项目是什么? |