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Overzealous movie fans; an overzealous manager.

Overwhelmingly, young people think marriage would make them happy and want to be married some day. Most also want to have kids. 绝大多数年轻人认为婚姻会让他们幸福,并且希望将来能结婚生子。
Overwork does harm to health. 工作过度对健康有害。
Overwork will do harm to your health. 工作过度会伤害你的身体。
Overworking the personal pronoun so that every sentence features the wordI. 滥用人称代词。以至在每个句子中都用“我”这个字。
Overwrite my working file . This effect here is similar to an Undo. My changes will be lost. Use with care. 覆盖我的工作文件。这类似一个撤销操作。我的变更将会被丢失掉。小心使用!
Overzealous movie fans; an overzealous manager. 过份热情的电影迷;一个过份热情的经理
Ovine suet was used as main stuff and made into soap by means of purification, saponification, salting out etc. 摘要对从羊脂中制取肥皂的工艺条件进行了研究,经过净化、皂化、盐析等工艺制取出具有广阔市场前景和经济效益的化工产品肥皂。
Ovo-lacto vegetarians tend to live longer and to develop fewer chronic disabling conditions than their meat-eating peers. 与食肉者想比,乳蛋素食者往往寿命更长,得慢性致残疾病也少。
Ovulation is the release of an egg from a woman's ovary every month. 排卵即每月从女性子宫释放一个卵子。
Ow is ’e (= How is he), then?” she would enquire. “Anything different? ‘E's in Mr. Punch ward, ain't ’e? “他咋样?有好转吗?”她经常问我,“他是住在庞齐先生的病房吧?”
Ow! 哎哟!表示疼痛.

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