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Article 89 The issuer shall not sign and issue cheques upon which his signature is not the same as his specimen signature or specimen seal.

Article 88 No limitation on the period for prosecution shall be imposed with respect to a criminal who escapes from investigation or trial after a People's Procuratorate, public security organ or national security organ files the case or a People's Court 第八十八条在人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关立案侦查或者在人民法院受理案件以后,逃避侦查或者审判的,不受追诉期限的限制。
Article 88 The competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall exercise control over civil aviation radio stations and the special frequencies assigned to be used by civil aviation system according to law. 第八十八条国务院民用航空主管部门应当依法对民用航空无线电台和分配给民用航空系统使用的专用频率实施管理。
Article 88 The public offer shares shall be underwritten by a lawfully established securities company, and an underwriting agreement shall be concluded. 第八十八条发起人向社会公开募集股份,应当由依法设立的证券公司承销,签订承销协议。
Article 88 Trade unions at various levels shall, in accordance with the law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, and supefvise the implementation of laws, rules and regulations on labour by the employing units. 第八十八条各级工会依法维护劳动者的合法权益,对用人单位遵守劳动法律、法规的情况进行监督。
Article 89 A judge of a court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may only be removed for inability to discharge his or her duties, or for misbehaviour, by the Chief Executive on the recommendation of a tribunal appointed by the Chief Justice o 第八十九条香港特别行政区法院的法官只有在无力履行职责或行为不检的情况下,行政长官才可根据终审法院首席法官任命的不少于三名当地法官组成的审议庭的建议,予以免职。
Article 89 The issuer shall not sign and issue cheques upon which his signature is not the same as his specimen signature or specimen seal. 第八十八条支票的出票人不得签发与其预留本名的签名式样或者印鉴不符的支票。
Article 89 The limitation period for prosecution shall be counted from the date the crime is committed; if the criminal act is of a continual or continuous nature, it shall be counted from the date the criminal act is terminated. 第八十九条追诉期限从犯罪之日起计算;犯罪行为有连续或者继续状态的,从犯罪行为终了之日起计算。
Article 89 The sponsors' share offer to the public shall be underwritten by a securities underwriter established in accordance with the law, and an underwriting agreement shall be executed. 第八十九条:发起人向社会公开募集股份,应当由依法设立的证券经营机构承销,签订承销协议。
Article 89 When an insurance company ceases its business operation in accordance with laws, its insurance license shall be revoked. 第八十九条保险公司依法终止其业务活动,应当注销其经营保险业务许可证。
Article 89 Where any production and business operation entity enters into any agreement with any of the employees to exempt or mitigate the liabilities that it has to undertake due to casualties of employees in production safety accidents, such agreements 第八十九条生产经营单位与从业人员订立协议,免除或者减轻其对从业人员因生产安全事故伤亡依法应承担的责任的,该协议无效;对生产经营单位的主要负责人、个人经营的投资人处二万元以上十万元以下的罚款。
Article 89 Where the rules and regulations on labour formulated by the employing unit run counter to the provisions of laws, rules and regulations, the labour administrative department shall give a warning to the unit, order it to make corrections; where 第八十九条用人单位制定的劳动规章制度违反法律、法规规定的,由劳动行政部门给予警告,责令改正;对劳动者造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。

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