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Despite his scolding, the father still loves his son.

Despite his poverty, he refuse to part with the family jewel. 他尽管贫穷,却不肯变卖家中的珠宝。
Despite his relative invisibility and voters' reluctance to admit supporting him, polls consistently give him around 12-15% of the national vote. 尽管他相对较少曝光,选民也不大愿承认会支持他,民意测验持续给予他大约12-15%的全国投票。
Despite his rhetoric, Mr Rasmussen probably understands that as well as anybody. 尽管不断花言巧语,拉斯穆森却可能象其他任何人一样明了这一点。
Despite his rough corners he was very likable. 尽管他粗里粗气,但却讨人喜欢。
Despite his ruthless methods, Genghis Khan was not an impulsive killer. 尽管成吉思汗的手段残忍,他却不是个逞一时之快的杀手。
Despite his scolding, the father still loves his son. 骂归骂,爸爸还是爱儿子的。
Despite his seniority and reputation as one of Poland's finest fighter pilots, investigators quickly doubted his story. 尽管,克莱琴斯基的资历和声誉让他被认为是波兰最优秀的战斗机飞行员,但调查人员还是迅速从他的讲述中发现了破绽。
Despite his side's stunning victory over Valencia, Jose Mourinho's odds of remaining as manager of Chelsea next season have been LENGTHENED by William Hill who have pushed him out from 7/4 to 9/4 to be boss at Stamford Bridge on the first day of next seas 尽管何塞.穆里尼奥的球队了不起地击败了瓦伦西亚,但威廉希尔却提高了他在下季能够继续当切尔西教练的赔率––由4赔7提升到4赔9,另一方面亦减低了他离开的赔率––由5赔2下降到3赔1。
Despite his success, the stigma of being labeled a dummy haunted him through adulthood. 尽管事业上取得了成功,但是,被人骂为笨蛋,这污名笼罩着他整个成年时代。
Despite his unwavering confidence, Mourinho concedes his team's pre-season preparations have been difficult, with the manager admitting that a number of his side's rivals may be ahead in their readiness for the new campaign. 尽管老穆信心十足,但是他们的赛季前的热身却并不理想,反观蓝军的对手们,却好像已经为新赛季做好了准备。
Despite his very short career in acting, James Dean has become a major figure in American culture. 尽管演艺生涯极为短暂,詹姆斯还是成为了美国文化的重要人物。

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