Marked effects have been obtained as a result of about half a year's practice: ①optimization of the contingent of temporary workers which has rid the hospital of the worries behind; ②promotion of the change of concepts on the part of the staff which has l
通过近半年多的实践,取得了明显成效:一是优化了临时工队伍,解除了医院的后顾之忧;二是促进职工转变观念,增强了紧迫感和竞争意识;三是提高了后勤服务质量;四是节约了经费。 |
Marked essays are circulated among the same study group to enhance intra-group learning.
已经批改的作文会在一个学习小组中传阅,方便同学们互相学习。 |
Marked idioms can be created on the basis of unmarked idioms by means of substitution, reversion, addition and transformation of part of speech.
摘要有标记习语可以通过替换个别词汇、颠倒次序、添加成分和词性转换等途径对常规习语进行加工改造。 |
Marked or characterized by overacting; affectedly humorous or dramatic.
表演夸张的以过火夸张表演为其特点的;虚假的幽默或戏剧性的。 |
Markedness theory, one of the fundamental theories of structuralist linguistics, was put forward by the Prague School in their study of phonemic oppositions.
标记理论是结构主义语言学的重要理论之一,是布拉格学派研究音位对立问题时提出来的。 |
Market Abuse:Consultation on a Draft Code of Market Conduct,June 1998.
张晨颖:《股市中操纵市场行为及其防范的法律对策》,《法学》2000年第5期。 |
Market Channel Management is the key factor for Marketing Management; any a neglect in it will lead to loss their competitiveness; since factors of Marketing are correlative, we must view them as a uniformed whole; if the Market Channel of the companies i
市场营销渠道管理是市场营销管理的关键所在,忽视渠道战略,企业将失去竞争能力;如果企业的市场营销渠道无效,那么其他的市场营销活动便很难发挥作用,因为市场营销组合的每个部分都是相互关联的,必须把它们看成是一个整体。 |
Market Development: Being quite popular in Euro-American market and having stable exploration, its products applied to slab, tile and all kinds of tops.
市场开发前景:矿山开采稳定,产品可做大板、薄板、台面板等,产品深受欧美市场的欢迎。 |
Market Orient: Villa, a China real estate magazine, caters to celebrities, by offering authoritative villa market information of mainland China, to continuously help improve their high quality life.
市场定位:《别墅》是中国大陆专门针对高端阶层生活方式的房地产及高品质生活的资讯类杂志,是中国别墅市场的专业权威平台。 |
Market Research: Providing analysis and research services, including macro and regional real estate markets, multiple-purposes real estate markets, competitors, investigation on target customer groups, ability of companies , etc.
提供宏观房地产市场、区域的房地产市场、各类用途的房地产市场、竞争对手、目标客户群调查、公司能力等方面分析研究服务。 |
Market Street Services. Austin, Texas Economic and Demographic Profile.Phase I Report (May 2003).
市场街道服务.〈德克萨斯州奥斯汀市经济与人口档案〉《阶段I报告》(2003年5月). |