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When Mrs (now Lady) Thatcher embarked on her mission to convert Britons to the joys of wealth creation, Leonid Brezhnev led the Soviet Union and many still dreamed of a socialist Utopia.

When Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to marry him for the second time, she says Yes. 达西先生第二次向伊丽莎白求婚时,她答应了。
When Mr. Jones was explaining what has happened, Mr. Smith was silent. He knew he would get his day in court. 琼斯先生解释所发生的事情时,史密斯先生沉默不语,他知道他会有机会申辩的。
When Mr. W got up in the morning, a horrific thought flashed across his mind like lightning: “I may be struck and killed by a truck today! 君早晨下床时,忽然一个可怕的意念像闪电一般划过他意识的上空——今天可能被汽车撞死!
When Mr.Brown returned from the meeting, he was criticized by the manager for washing the company's dirty linen in public. 布朗先生出席会议归来受到了经理的斥责,因为他泄露了公司的机密。
When Mr.Jones was explaining what had happened, Mr. Smith was silent. He knew he would get his day in court. 琼斯先生解释所发生的事时,史密斯先生沉默不语,后者知道他会有机会申辩的。
When Mrs (now Lady) Thatcher embarked on her mission to convert Britons to the joys of wealth creation, Leonid Brezhnev led the Soviet Union and many still dreamed of a socialist Utopia. 当撒切尔夫人承担起令英国转上创造财富轨道的使命时,勃列日涅夫领导下的苏联和许多国家仍在梦想着社会主义的乌托邦。
When Ms Gabriel opened the centre in 1990, it had a few hundred students. 当盖比尔小姐在1990年开办此英语中心时,只收到几百位学生。
When Munchie trusts someone, he is fully present with them. 对于那些他信得过的人,麦奇总是毫无保留地和他们玩在一起。
When NOP asked 1,000 people of all ages to name the first fictional character that came into their heads, 22 per cent said Harry Potter. 在NOP市场调查公司请求1,000名各个年龄阶段的人说出他们脑海中闪现的第一个文学形象时,百分之二十二的人回答是哈里-波特。
When Naja's mother saw the ring, she was petrified. Red like the embers in the hearth. Red like blood. Daughter, this will not lead to a happy end,she wailed. 当娜佳的母亲看到这枚戒指时,她惊得呆若木鸡?红得就像灶膛里的余火。红得像鲜血一般。女儿啊,它不会带来好结果的,她恸哭道。
When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her. 18拿俄米见路得定意要跟随自己去,就不再劝她了。

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