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Miss Brill had wanted to shake her.

Miss Bennet paused a little and then replied, Surely there can be no occasion for exposing him so dreadfully. What is your own opinion? 班纳特小姐想了一会儿才说道:“当然用不着叫他太难堪。你的意见如何?”
Miss Benson was permitted to tell the world she was the true writer of the Nancy Drew series. 班逊小姐到那时才获准向全世界宣告,她才是《南希·德鲁》系列丛书的真正作者。
Miss Betsey said nothing, but walked straight out of the house, and never came back. 贝茜小姐二话没说,径直走出屋子,从此不再登门。
Miss Black didn't come yesterday. She must have been ill. 布莱克小姐昨天没有来,想必她病了。
Miss Bookworm:No way.I can't eat another bite.But I kown it'll be a piece of cake for you. 绝不,我什么也吃不下了,不过对你来说简直是小菜一碟。
Miss Brill had wanted to shake her. 布里尔小姐真想抓住她好好地摇她几下。
Miss Brill put up her hand and touched her fur. 布里尔小姐抬起手来摸着狐皮围巾。
Miss Bush: Now, can I get a stopover on an excursion fare? 我能不能买中途停留的单程票。
Miss Cam is qualified for joining the club. 兰蒙小姐有资格参加俱乐部。
Miss Caroline?″ He nodded.″She married George Halsey --owns the drugstore. Fine fellow. They have twins. 卡洛琳小姐?他点点头。她嫁给了开药店的乔治·哈尔西。那可是个好人。他们都有了一对双胞胎了。
Miss Carrie Lee Ka Yee is the no.17 participant of Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2003. 李嘉怡小姐是2003年度香港小姐竞选17号的参赛佳丽。

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