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With one bound, he was over the wall.

With occasional exceptions, the Doberman Pinscher is the only nonchondrodysplastic large breed dog to be affected by Type I IVDD. 偶有例外,杜宾犬是唯一容易得此疾病的大型犬类.
With ocular ultrasound examination, it was demonstrated to be a cystic-like lesion. 经手术切除,组织病理证实为毛囊细胞瘤。
With oil prices driven lower in recent months by weak Asian demand and a mild winter in the northern hemisphere among other factors, Saudi Arabia and other members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries decided to take steps to keep prices f 近几个月来,亚洲国家对石油需求的减弱、北半球暖冬以及其他因素的出现,使得石油价格一再下跌,在这一局势下,沙特阿拉伯以及欧佩克组织的其他成员决定采取措施,以阻止石油价格的进一步下滑。
With older children, a parent can use more body language to express agreement and approval. Reassure him with an affirming smile, a tap the shoulder or a big thumbs up. 对于较大年龄的孩子,赞美他时可以增加肢体语言来表示对孩子的赞同与认可。像是对他报以肯定的微笑、拍拍他的肩或竖起大姆指。
With one accord they all stood up and cheered. 他们全体一致起立欢呼.
With one bound, he was over the wall. 他纵身一跃就跳过了墙。
With one bound, it seems, the EU will be free. 看起来,就这一个回合,欧盟就可以统一了。
With one more heave, we got the box onto the shelf. 我们再使把劲,就把箱子抬到架子上了。
With one of these coins she would buy a sweet from an Indian shopkeeper. 那时她常为父亲拣选咖啡豆,自己也可以拣两分零花钱。
With one penny I had this peculiar pen opened. 我花了一便士让人把这支奇特的钢笔打开了。
With one powerful thrust of Kanda, Allen twitched violently and sprayed cum all over their chests. 随着神田一次有力的撞击,亚连的身体一个痉挛,全部释放在他们胸膛上。

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