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The parents have been a bit edgy lately, waiting for their children's examination results.

The owner didn‘t register whether the playing was any good or not. He was more worried about the state of his house,a police okesman said. 当地警方的一位发言人说:“房屋的主人并没有评价那个窃贼的演奏水平。目前他更为关心的是房子到底丢没丢东西。”
The owner didn‘t register whether the playing was any good or not. He was more worried about the state of his house,a police spokesman said. 当地警方的一位发言人说:“房屋的主人并没有评价那个窃贼的演奏水平。目前他更为关心的是房子到底丢没丢东西。”
The owner of the house grows vegetables in the back garden, and flowers in the front garden. 这房子的主人在后园种蔬菜,在前园种花卉。
The pace of spending has accelerated in the last few days,he said. 他说:“最近几天人们的消费步伐在加快。”
The pain runs from the small of my back right down my left thigh, he told the doctor. 他告诉医生说:从后腰一直到左大腿都疼得很。
The parents have been a bit edgy lately, waiting for their children's examination results. "父母们近来一直有点儿紧张,正在等待公布他们孩子们的考试成绩。"
The parents have been a bit edgy lately, waiting for their children's examination results. 父母们近来一直有点儿紧张,正在等待公布他们孩子们的考试成绩。
The parents hope their children could learn more about the creams of the Chinese culture,Lien said. 连说,家长们都希望他们的孩子可以学习到更多中国文化的精髓。
The past is no predictor of the future. 过去是无法预测未来的。
The past two weeks have been very difficult, but by staying together as a team, we kept our spirits up, drawing great comfort from the knowledge that our loved ones would be waiting for us on our return,they said in a statement read out by a Royal Marines 他们在由皇家海军发言人代读的声明中称:“我们度过了十分艰难的两周,但是我们团结一致,振作精神,在得知我们的家人将等待我们回家后,我们感到了莫大的安慰。”
The pattern that is you is written first of all in the psyche, and is then faithfully decoded in your genes and chromosomes. “你之所以为你的模式首先被写在你的心灵里,然后再忠实地被解码到你的基因和染色体中。

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