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Yet Mr Sarkozy brings fresh ideas.

Yet Los Angeles receives only grudging recognition as a creative center. 但是公众却勉强地接受洛杉矶是一个创意中心的事实。
Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. 9天使长米迦勒,为摩西的尸首与魔鬼争辩的时候,尚且不敢用毁谤的话罪责他,只说,主责备你吧。
Yet Mr Bashir's oppressive government is not popular outside Khartoum. 然而在喀土穆之外,暴虐的巴希尔政府不受欢迎。
Yet Mr Gomaa himself is no stranger to controversy. 然而,戈玛自己对论战也并不陌生。
Yet Mr Roodhouse is at least logical. 不过,鲁德豪斯的观点至少还合乎逻辑。
Yet Mr Sarkozy brings fresh ideas. 然而,萨尔科齐还是带来了新观念。
Yet Mr Yeltsin's great rival, Mikhail Gorbachev, reflected the mood of most Russians when he alluded to the dead man's “serious mistakes”. 不过,叶利钦的“冤家对头”戈尔巴乔夫却暗指这个死去的人曾犯下“严重的错误”,这表达了大多数俄罗斯人的心情。
Yet Mr Zapatero has now delivered a new statute for Catalonia that uses the word “nation” but stops short of self-determination, let alone independence. 然而萨帕特罗如今为加泰罗尼亚制定了一份新法律,该法律使用了“民族”的字眼,但没有给予“民族自决”权,更没有触及独立。
Yet Mr Zapatero quickly began to discuss a new deal with Catalonia. 然而萨帕特罗上任后,他迅速与加泰罗尼亚地区协商了一份新的协议。
Yet NBC has fallen to last place among the four major networks - albeit by a small margin - since Friends departed last year. 但是,自从去年《老友记》停播后,国家广播公司在四大媒体中的排名便落到了最后一位——虽然差距就只那么一点。
Yet North Korea's attempted firework display, launching a Taepodong rocket (which fizzled) and half a dozen others (which worked) was calculated to blast a hole in the diplomatic effort by America, South Korea, Japan, China and Russia to get Kim Jong Il's 然而朝鲜尝试的火箭试射,包括一枚大蒲洞远程导弹(试射失败)和六枚短程导弹(试射成功),旨在在美、韩、日、中、俄迫使金正日政权放弃其发展核武计划的共同外交努力上打开缺口。

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