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Between the rectum and bladder, the peritoneum forms a retrovesical pouch.

Between the darkness of earth and heaven she was burning fiercely upon a disc of purple sea shot by the blood-red play of gleams; upon a disc of water ittering and sinister. 在黑暗的天地之间,船在熊熊燃烧,周围海面在血红的火光的照耀下呈紫色,闪闪发亮,杀气腾腾。
Between the inception of the litigation and its final disposition the plaintiff's first attorney retired. 在诉讼开始至结束间,原告的第一任律师被解雇了。
Between the last war and the present, a number of books were written by experts in judo, jiu-jitsu, and unarmed combat technique. 从上次战争直至今日,柔道、柔术以及徒手格斗的专家们写了相当多的书籍。
Between the poles of amoral cynicism and rank religious hypocrisy was a messy space in which people tried to find ways of dealing with their insecurity and self-doubt. 在非道德的犬儒主义与恶心的宗教伪善这两极之间,是一片混乱地带,人们为缺乏安全感及自我怀疑所困扰着。
Between the primary and secondary windings of the (electrical) power transformer with a working voltage less than 50 V, there should be a sort of insulation equivalent to double insulation or reinforced insulation. 工作电压不大于50V的电源变压器的初、次级绕组间应采用相当于双重绝缘或加强绝缘水平的绝缘隔离。
Between the rectum and bladder, the peritoneum forms a retrovesical pouch. 在直肠和膀胱间,腹膜形成膀胱后隐窝。
Between the regulators and the diplomats and the market itself, Beijing is already under enormous pressure to clean up its act. 夹在监管机构及外交人员和市场本身之间的中国政府,目前已面临清理自身行为的巨大压力。
Between the salt water and the sea strand. (要在那海水和海滩之间。)
Between the two buildings stands a monument. 在这两座建筑物之间矗立着一座纪念碑.
Between the two extremes of bloody conflict and submissiveness of one group to another, is there some third road we can take? 在极端的冲突流血事件与屈服之间,是不是有第三条路可走?
Between the two main languages spoken on the peninsula, Spanish and Portuguese, there is generally a mutual understanding between the standard spoken forms, though Spanish morphology is much easier for a Portuguese speaker to understand than the other way 西班牙语和葡萄牙语作为(伊比利亚)半岛的两门主要语言,尽管西班牙语在形态上更利于葡萄牙语使用者理解,反之则不然,但它们之间在标准语体上有大致的相通之处。

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