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Notes on the Breeding Habits of the Buff-throated Partridge

The structure of subunits and physiological function of protein kinase CK2 in plants 酪蛋白激酶2的亚基结构与生理功能
Effects of Cr~(6 ) on Physiological Characteristics and Mitosis of Root Tip in the Seedlings of Sorghum Hybrid Sudangrass Cr6 对高丹草幼苗生理特性与根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响
Knockout of narGHJI,the Gene Encoding the Nitrate Reductase in Bacillus cereus DNF409 腊样芽胞杆菌DNF409中硝酸盐还原酶基因敲除的研究
Element absorption and distribution in Typha angustifolia under Cu stress. Cu胁迫对狭叶香蒲体内元素吸收分配的影响
Effect of Plastic Mulching on Translocation Characteristics of Copper and Zinc in Soil and Chinese Cabbage(Brassica chinensis)System 覆膜对土壤-青菜体系Cu和Zn迁移特性的影响
Notes on the Breeding Habits of the Buff-throated Partridge 四川雉鹑繁殖习性初报
Cloning of soybean glycinin G1 promoter and construction of plant expression vector 大豆球蛋白G1启动子的克隆及植物表达载体构建
Microsatellite Variation and Genetic Diversity in Marmota himalayana 喜马拉雅旱獭种群微卫星变异及遗传多样性
Pollen Record and Climate Changing Since 12.0 ka B.P.in Erlongwan Maar Lake,Jilin Province 吉林辉南二龙湾玛珥湖12.0ka B.P.以来孢粉记录与气候变化
The Community Characteristics and Conservation Strategies of Critically Endangered Species Woonyoungia septentrionalis(Dandy) Law 极危植物焕镛木的群落学特征及其保护
The Cold-adapted Mechanism and Application of Cold-adapted Microorganisms 低温微生物的适冷性及其应用

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