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Usage: used in producing titanium sponge and titanium dioxide.

Usage: fix one end with safety belt first, then circle the wires clockwise to make them tighten. 使用方法:先用保护带固定起点一端,然后顺时针方向环绕束紧,即可将电线束为一体.
Usage: it can be widely used in medicine pharmacy, printing, pencil, graphite, grinding wheel tiny powder, ceramics, ink, dyeing, skyrocket, battery, art paint, metallurgy, magnetic materials and light industry packing, etc. usage way: according to differ 用途:本品可广泛用于制药、印刷、铅笔、石墨、砂轮微粉、陶瓷、墨水、印染、焰火、电池、美术颜料、冶金、磁性材料及轻工业包装业务等。
Usage: spray equably on skin after bath and pat till absorbed. 用法:沐浴后,均匀喷于身体肌肤,轻拍2-3分名钟至完全吸收。
Usage: used for low startup demand electric appliances and small type fans, such as small type fans, dynamoelectric models, electric bells, ceiling fans, and so on. 用途:用于小型电扇及起动要求不高的电器,如小型鼓风机,电动模型,电钟,换气扇等。
Usage: used for smoke-sucked and smoke-discharged machine of many types. 用途:用于各种类型的吸排油烟机。
Usage: used in producing titanium sponge and titanium dioxide. 用途:主要用于生产海绵钛和钛白粉。
Usage: useful for pharmaceutical intermediate, especially useful for intermediate of synthesis aids inhibitor . 用途:医药合成中间体特别是抗艾兹病药物中间体.
Usage:DN Series 10-25 KVA Foot-Type Spot Welding Machine is widely suitable for spot Welding on low-carbon steel, stainless-steel sheet and circular filament in such fields as metal sheets, Lamps, bicycles and electric appliances etc. 用途:DN系列10-25KVA脚踏点焊机广泛应用于钣金、自行车、电器行业中的低碳钢不锈钢薄板和圆丝的点焊。
Usage:It is widely used for sterilization of swimming pool and drinking water, industrial circular water, aquaculture, hotel, hospital and other public places. 用途:广泛用于游泳池、饮用水、工业循环水,水产业、宾馆、医院、公共场所的杀菌消毒。
Usage:The set of the machines is a ideal equipment drawing wire stock of high,medium and carbon steel,as well as copper,alumium,and alloy.The machines are applied to drawing wire in the factories such as wire-steel factory,metal mesh factory and nail maki 一)用途:本套设备是拉拨低、中、高碳钢线材的理想的设备,也可拉拨铜、铝等有色金属和合金线材,广泛用于钢丝,钢缆,建筑构件,镀锌铁丝,金属网,制钉等厂矿拉丝之用。
Usage:operations of gynecology,urology,stomach and intestine peritoneum and so on.The gut suture,made from qualified intestines-skin,is smooth,high tensility,and can be easily knotted. 医用组合套针方便各种不同手术的使用,因为不同乎类的手术,它所需配针的规格型号与支数也不同,所以按各种手术的需要组合成它所需要的规格和支数。

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