Is it not better that such things are in the open? Yes, this should be talked about. But nowadays, it is not easy to tell the truth.
难道公开这些事情不是更好吗?“是的,应该讨论这些问题,但是现在,实事求是(告诉真相)并不是很容易就能做到的。” |
Is it not effective until sweat gland comes out?
照射能量屋是否要一直到流脂汗才有效呢? |
Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is mine? Or is your eye evil because I am good?
15难道我不可随我的意思,用我的东西么?还是因为我慈善,你就眼红了么? |
Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house?
不是仰慕你和你父的全家吗。 |
Is it not ruin for the wicked, disaster for those who do wrong?
3岂不是祸患临到不义的,灾害临到作孽的呢? |
Is it not strange that most of us choose sucking rather than running?
然而我们大多宁愿吸收而不肯奔流,这不是很奇怪吗? |
Is it not the function of Consciousness to be Aware?
大我意识的活动不就是觉于本体? |
Is it not the wheat harvest today?
17今日不是割麦子的时候么? |
Is it not they who blaspheme the honorable name by which you are called?
7他们不是亵渎那在你们身上被称呼的尊名么? |
Is it not wheat harvest now?
17这不是割麦子的时候吗? |
Is it not wheat harvest to day?
17这不是割麦子的时候吗。 |