Does the company have a certified Quality System?
公司是否已有质量体系认证? |
Does the company have a five-year plan?
贵公司有五年计划吗? |
Does the computer ever make a mistake.?
计算机出错吗? |
Does the degree of biochemical protection notochord cells proide explain the difference in susceptibility to degeneratie disc disease between canines and humans?
是否脊索细胞的生物化学保护机制提供人和犬间在椎间盘变性易感方面的差别? |
Does the difficultyBassuming that we admit it - invalidate the life of the minister or official?
我们假设(在承认很困难后)牧师或官员的生活不合理吗? |
Does the dinosaur think that houses are rocks?
恐龙认为房子是石头吗? |
Does the discovery of the Hobbit of Flores - in October 2004 - two months before the tsunami and earthquakes - in any way link to Lemuria?
这是哈比人发现的升华产物吗?——2004年10月——海啸和地震发生前的两个月——以任何方式与利莫里亚联系吗?(注:哈比人是2004年发现的史前人类及其头骨)。 |
Does the dog know the proverb, too?
狗也知道这个谚语吗? |
Does the dress hook at the back or at the side?
这衣服是要钩在背面或侧面呢? |
Does the driver come to an agreement with you about the traveling expense?
关于坐车的费用,你和司机达成协议了吗? |
Does the eagle soar at your command and build his nest on high?
27大鹰上腾、在高处搭窝、岂是听你的吩咐麽。 |