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As a result, the entire world's money supply is growing at its fastest for decades in real terms.

As a result, the data of the 18th group moisture is out of control and found 5 continuous data of ash content from the 10th group had the tendency of displacement. 发现第18组水分数据失控,发现灰分数据从第10组起连续5个数据有位移的倾向。
As a result, the dragon was weighed down to the bottom of the undercurrent, and stopped its evil spells. 说也奇怪,自从修了这座钟楼,西安也就没再发生过地震。
As a result, the economy's capacity to produce output for our own use will grow more slowly. 受其影响,国内自用产品产能的增速会放缓。
As a result, the end of the Gothic timeline overlaps with both the Italian and the Northern Renaissance timelines. 哥特时期在意大利与北部文艺复兴的到来而最终终止。
As a result, the entire inguinal floor is completely and permanently protected from all future mechanical or degenerative adverse effects. 大小适当的网片延伸至腹股沟管以外,以提供足够网片与组织融合之界面。
As a result, the entire world's money supply is growing at its fastest for decades in real terms. 结果是,整个世界的货币供应按实际价格达到几十年来最高水平。
As a result, the existing system offers a chance for the underdog to make his or her mark⑵—as John Kerry did with an upset victory in Iowa in 2004, or as John McCain did in New Hampshire in 2000, going on to give George Bush an unexpected run for his mone 因此,现有的制度为弱势者提供了一个出人头地的机会——例如约翰·克里在2004年爱荷华州出人意料的获胜,又如2000年约翰·麦凯恩以同样的方式在新罕布什尔州,意外的让乔治·布什即使竭尽全力也没能提名出线。
As a result, the fluid moved through short, straight pipes instead of tracing circuitous paths, further reducing friction and capital costs. 这麽一来,流体行经的管路更短更直,不需要绕道拐弯,更加降低摩擦力和投资成本。
As a result, the huge imbalances in its current account may continue for a long time without their having noticeable deleterious effects on the U.S. economy or on markets. 结果是,美国经常账户的巨大不平衡如果对美国经济或市场没有产生显而易见的有害影响的话,可能会持续很长一段时间。
As a result, the importance of inlet region packing in increasing the micromixing efficiency in an RPB was confirmed experimentally for the first time. 本文第一次从实验上证实了旋转填充床填料的端效应区在强化微观混合方面的重要作用,系统的总结了各操作参数对微观混合的影响。
As a result, the manager retained his job. 所以经理保住了他的工作。

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