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Aristichthys Nobilis diseased less, growing fast, tasty when cooked. Especially it's head part are the best of the tasting, people love it.

Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee. 2你起来,往尼尼微大城去,向其中的居民宣告我所吩咐你的话。
Arise, go up against a nation without care, One that dwells securely, declares Jehovah. It has no gates and bars; They dwell alone. 31耶和华说,起来,上安居无虑的国那里去;他们是无门无闩,独自居住的。
Arising centrally in this lung and spreading extensively is a small cell anaplastic (oat cell) carcinoma. 中央型小细胞(燕麦细胞)癌向周围蔓延。
Arising from or characterized by prudence. 审慎的由于谨慎的,或以谨慎为特征的
Aristaeus was one of these men. 阿里斯泰斯便是其中一位。
Aristichthys Nobilis diseased less, growing fast, tasty when cooked. Especially it's head part are the best of the tasting, people love it. 鳙鱼病害少,生长快,肉质鲜美。尤其是鳙鱼的头部美味可口,最让人喜爱。
Aristocracy has high social standing. 贵族们有很高的社会地位。
Aristocratic bouquet, luscious taste set off by a hint of acidity, long finish in the mouth. And it attains silkiness unfound in most A.O.C. whites. 酒香高贵,香甜的味道中有一丝酸度,馀韵悠长。如丝般柔滑,为大部份A.O.C.白酒所欠缺的。
Aristotle Shit is what shit does. 亚里斯多德:大便就是大便其所是。
Aristotle considers Socrates's supposition in Plato's Republic that it is best for the state to be as unified as possible and Socrates's proposals that the family and private property be abolished such that wives, children, and property were owned in comm 亚里斯多德认为,苏格拉底为柏拉图的《理想国》一书解释,倡议一个城邦若能尽可能一致是最好的,且苏格拉底也提出应该要禁绝家庭与私有财产而使妻子、小孩与财产皆属于共有。
Aristotle said that poets are good at describing the universal but specialists the particular. 亚里士多德说过,诗人长于描绘共性而专家只长于某一特性。

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