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Jack:I have to stay at school from Monday to Saturday every week.

Jack: You know, you know, Ronnie, there must be a hundred people here that I know and yet I just had to come over and say hello to you. 杰克:你知道,罗尼,我在这儿认识的人不下一百,不过我还是特地跑过来跟你打声招呼。
Jack: You see the ditch over there? 杰克:你看见那边那条水沟了吗?
Jack: You're a Net 3)addict. Welcome to our generation. 杰克:妳上网成瘾了啦。欢迎来到我们的世代。
Jack: You're so talented, I wish I had your skill. 杰克:你才情真高,我有你的本事就好了。
Jack: thank you for talking with me. 周奔驰:非常感谢你能陪我练习口语。
Jack:I have to stay at school from Monday to Saturday every week. 杰克:我每个星期从周一至周六都要呆在学校里。
Jack:Step up onto the rail. Hold on.Hold on. Keep your eyes close. trust me? 杰克:踏上栏杆,抓住栏杆,抓住,别睁开眼睛。相信我吗?
Jack:Thank you. Yeah, it's home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately. 谢谢,是啊,这是一个家。但是最近有很多地方出了问题。
Jack:Very glad to meet you, Eddy. 杰克:很高兴见到你,艾迪。
Jack:What day is it today,Dad? 杰克:今天星期几,爸爸?
Jack:When you catch a louse, just put a little of that drug on its mouth and it will die immediately. 杰克:你捉到一只虱子,只要在它嘴上抹一点这种药,虱子就会死去。

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