Many business partners also estimate the offer pallets of hangzhou black zebra, like Doors, Stools and Posters as well as Retail.
请您针对招贴画、广告画、标语牌、海报、细分、细节和箱、柜、交换机等其它商务范畴拨打垂询电话+86(571)88883373。 |
Many business partners also estimate the offer pallets of sinochem hebei qinhuangdao i/e corp., like Enterprises, handles and handles as well as Food additives.
此外,您当让还可以在短时间内通过电话或是电子邮件对嘉奖、优异的成绩、标签、杆、把手和保存、保管的所有产品供应做出决定。 |
Many business students are impatient to become managers.
许多商科学生急切地想成为经理。 |
Many business travellers between the UK and continental Europe prefer to take their own cars, often because they need to carry bulk promotional material or audio-visual presentation equipment.
来往英国和欧洲大陆之间的许多商务旅客情愿自己开车,这常常是因为他们需要携带大件的推介材料或视听介绍设备。 |
Many businesses are adopting what Mr Washio calls a China plus onestrategy, setting up additional facilities elsewhere in Asia to mitigate the risk of operating solely in China.
现在,许多企业采取鹫尾先生所称的“中国+1”战略,即在亚洲其它国家另外建厂,降低只在中国经营的风险。 |
Many businesses fail to tell their customers of this, either through apathy, incompetence or the hope that nothing will be said and a late delivery can be made.
许多公司出于不重视、无能力或抱着可户在未被告知的情况下,仍会接受延期交货的侥幸心理,没有事先通知客户。 |
Many buskers choose subway tunnels because of the interesting sound effects.
许多街头艺人选择地铁通道是因为那里有趣的声音效果。 |
Many busy Taipei people crisscross the city day after day, ignoring its 300-year history, the passing of time, and the indelible marks that bear witness to the city's fascinating past.
忙碌的台北人每天穿梭在城市的不同角落,却浑然不觉这块土地已有三百多年的开垦岁月,及无数时代的过往和生活的轨迹。 |
Many cab drivers say that they must play with their lives to get money.
很多出租汽车司机说他们得玩儿命挣钱。 |
Many cafes and restaurants in Asia have Wi-Fi networks now.
现在亚洲很多咖啡馆、餐厅、等地方都备有无线上网。 |
Many call it the over-scheduled 27)syndrome.
许多人称之为”超负荷综合症”。 |