KPMG's US business said last night that the revised indictment did not involve any of its current personnel, and that it would be inappropriate to comment on individuals under investigation by the justice department.
毕马威美国公司昨晚表示,修改后的诉状未涉及公司任何现有成员,并表示,对正受司法部门调查的个人进行评论是不合适的。 |
KPMG's study takes a look at 360 actual company fraud cases which the forensic departments of KPMG firms in Europe, the Middle East and Africa have investigated over recent years.
毕马威(KPMG)一项最新的研究报告表明,企业中有舞弊行为的人往往是那些被充分信任的男性管理者。在5年以上的职业管理生涯中,他们平均有超过20项的舞弊行为未被发现。 |
KR: About Michael, I don't think he has lost anything of his speed.
关于迈克尔,我不认为他的速度有任何下降。 |
KR: Everybody says that, but it isn't really a home race but there are always a lot of Finnish fans, so it's always nice to come here.
基米-雷克南:每个人都那么说,但这实际上不是一场家乡赛,但这是会有很多的芬兰车迷。所以来这里一直都非常棒。 |
KR: I have been in Finland the whole time and seeing my friends and family and just doing normal stuff.
基米-雷克南:我所有时间都在芬兰,看我的朋友和家人,做一些普通的事情。 |
KR: I think I am next testing in January sometime, so that is fine for me.
莱科宁:我想我的下次测试是在一月的某时,时间不错。 |
KR: I think it depends a lot how you feel in the car, how theweekendhas gone so far.
我想这取决于你对车的感觉,这个周末的各种情况等等。 |
KR: I think quite similar, quite slippery all the time and not very easy conditions, but it was the same for everybody.
我想和今天差不多,赛道会很湿滑很难驾驶,但那对每个车手都是一样的。 |
KR: I think so, if you look at past years the clean side of the circuit seems to be the better place to start.
是的,如果你看看过去几年的比赛就会发现赛道上干净的一边更适于起步。 |
KR: I think they are all doing quite well, but to be honest I focus more on what I am doing than what other drivers are up to.
回答:我想他们都挺棒的。但是说实话我更关心我自己干得怎么样,而不是别的车手。 |
KR: I think we are going to get more parts for the next test and I'm pretty positive that it's going to change things quite a lot.
我认为在下一次测试中我们会有更多的收获,会有很多改变的地方,对此我很乐观。 |