Among the crew of seven was Dr Nicholas Patrick (centre), who becomes only the fourth Briton ever to fly into space.
7名宇航员中中间这位是尼古拉斯·帕特里克博士,他已经成为英国人历史上第四位飞上太空的人。 |
Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.
在众多的奥林波斯山神中,主神宙斯和雷托之子阿波罗最受推崇。 |
Among the crowed of happy ,prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place.
135采购圣诞用品的顾客个个鼓弄于色,显得十分富有,老人矮小的的在人人中显得很可怜。 |
Among the cyclic sacrificial materials in the Huang Group Oracle bone inscriptions of the final years of Shang and inscriptions of late Shang, those belong to King Diyi densely cover the period from the 2nd to the 10th year of his reign, making a perfect
摘要商末黄组甲骨文和晚商青铜器铭文中有一批周祭材料,其中属于帝乙的周祭材料自二祀到十祀十分密集,在周祭顺序上完全可以连接成一个系统。 |
Among the decomposed synthesis reasoning sources, the field intensities were defined by dependency and classification methods based on the concept of positive region, by discernibility matrix method based on the rate of appearance, and by mutual informati
在分解得到的综合源中,基于正域的概念,用依赖度和分类质量方法定义了场强,根据属性出现频率,釆用差别矩阵定义了场强,并结合信息论,通过互信息、条件熵和互信息增益率定义了场强。 |
Among the definable underlying diseases, 31.0% were diagnosed as inherited metabolic disorders, including mitochondrial disorders (n=4), primary systemic carnitine deficiency (n=1), Pompe disease (n=3) and mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) I (n=1).
此外在这个研究分析中发现,有很大部分的心肌病变儿童(50%)并未找到造成疾病的根本原因;并且这部分的儿童亦未曾接受过适当的遗传与代谢疾病筛检。 |
Among the designs left by Leonardo da Vinci almost 500 years ago—with notes written backward to be read with a mirror—were the parachute,life jacket, water pump,swim fins,Well digger,paddle-wheel boat,horseless carriage ,sprocketchain, steam gun, water tu
近500年前列奥纳多·达·芬奇留下的许多设计稿——即须通过镜子才能读懂的反着写的笔记,其中有降落伞、救生衣、水泵、游泳脚蹼、钻井机、明轮机、无马马车、扣齿链、蒸汽枪、水轮机、磨镜片机、子母弹、机关枪、飞机、直升飞机、潜水艇和成批生产的设计。 |
Among the divisions of Reuben There were great resolutions in heart.
在流便的族系中,有心中定大志的。 |
Among the enzymes which are particularly effective are pepsin, papain.
在酶当中特别有效的是胃朊酶、木瓜酶。 |
Among the exhibits is also a renowned snake-shaped armband, which weighs 500 grams—a heavy weight which is rare for such an ornament.
展品中还有一件著名的蛇形手镯,重500克,这般的重量对于该类饰品来说非常罕见。 |
Among the factors are that many people who are hard of hearing do not identify themselves as such and also that our objective is often to help people live in the mainstream, not to focus on their hearing loss.
这当中的因素是:很多重听人没把他们自己视为重听,还有,我们的目标是帮助人们立足于主流社会而不是聚焦于他们的失聪。 |