Casey:It includes both track and field events.
它既包括径赛项目,又包括田赛项目。 |
Casey:The results are measured by the total number of points for all events.
成绩是由参赛各项成绩所得分数的总和确定的。 |
Cash Balance combined with Open Trade Equity on a marked-to-market basis.
在逐日结算的基础上,现金平衡与未平仓交易资产的总和。 |
Cash Flow Analysis: Is Cash King?
3现金流量分析:现金为王? |
Cash card The card allows you to take money out of your account using a bank machine.
现金卡你可以用此卡从银行取款机上取出你帐上的钱。 |
Cash collection &payment,and check the original documents.
现金报销,并审核原始凭证。 |
Cash discount is allowed only on account that is paid within the ten- day limit.
现金支付折扣,仅限于在10日内以现金付清货款者可打折扣。 |
Cash flow basically means Do I have enough cash in my bank account to cover my expenses?Sounds stupidly simple, but you'd be surprised at how many people ignore this.
现金流简单的来说就是,我的银行帐户有足够的钱来应付我的日常支出,听起来很简单?但是很多人还是会忽略的. |
Cash on delivery will be all right.
货到付费也可以。 |
Cash register machine software for small retail businesses and shops. Can manage numerous counters using a web based network architecture. Based on Open Source softwares (Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL).
给小型零售事业或商店使用的收银机软体,透过网页式的架构可以同时给很多柜台使用。 |
Cash tills—and trouser pockets— are in danger of becoming redundant.
现金柜---以及裤子上装钱的口袋---正显得多余。 |