White pottery and glazed pottery were produced.
白陶和上釉的陶器也被制造出来了。 |
White powdered homopolymer resin produced through suspension polymerization (medium degree of polymerization).
以悬浮聚合方式制造的单聚合物树脂,是白色粉状的中聚合度产品,消光效果优良。 |
White signifies brewk,the wander of the heart.
白色是一种破碎,是内心的流离失所。 |
White space can appear within a preprocessing token only as a part of a header name or between the quotation characters in a character literal or string literal.
仅当作为头名称的一部分,或在字符文字量或字符串文字量的引号字符之间时,空白才可以出现在预处理标记内部。 |
White space is used the same way in print layouts like magazine spreads the same way it's used on web.
就如同杂志的内容布局那样,“留白”在网页的输出布局中也被广泛使用。 |
White star. Medium green, plain, semi-trailing. Semiminiature trailer.
白色星形花。中绿色一般型叶。半迷你悬垂型。 |
White stupas (Buddhist prayer monuments) dotted the landscape, surrounded by free-roaming giant yaks and whole families of pot-bellied pigs rooting around freshly plowed fields.
白色的佛塔点缀着美丽的画卷,壮硕的旄牛在悠闲地散步,一群肚子圆滚滚的猪在新翻过的土地上四处觅食。 |
White surfaces reflect heat; dark surfaces absorb it.
白色的表面反射热量,而黑色的表面吸收热量。 |
White symbolizing the sinless nature of Jesus.
白色象徵了耶稣的纯洁无罪。 |
White table wines are allowed to either ferment to dryness or their fermentation are stopped, by cooling, at a predetermined sweetness level.
白葡萄佐餐酒允许发酵完全到干或者通过冷却中止发酵到预定的甜度水平。 |
White tea can separately reduce 21.8% and38.5% the contents of aminotransferase and malondialdehyde which can damage the liver.
白茶能显著降低四氯化碳肝损伤小鼠的转氨酶和丙二醛含量,降低幅度分别为21.8%和38.5%。 |