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A web object can be a web page(or part thereof), an image, plain file, a directory, a Java applet, or CGI script.

A weapon with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus. 有特殊能力的武器必须至少有+1增强加值。
A wearer who exceeds this daily allotment is ejected from the material at the point of entry, ending up prone in front of the now impassible wall. 超过每日使用距离的穿戴者将从该材料的进入处被弹出,仆倒在无法穿越的墙壁前。
A wearer who fails this check cannot concentrate effectively on the tattoo to use it. 检定失败的佩戴者无法有效“专注”以使用灵纹。
A web based public system for sharing discussions, files, and announcements. 用于共享讨论信息、文件以及公告的网络公共系统。
A web host - Good customer support is essential. Also check uptime and bandwidth. 虚拟主机——提供良好的客户支持是非常必要的。你必须要检查虚拟主机的运行状况和带宽。
A web object can be a web page(or part thereof), an image, plain file, a directory, a Java applet, or CGI script. 一个Web对象可以是一个网页(或其中的部分)、一幅图象、纯文本文件、一个目录,一个Java小程序或CGI手稿。
A web server dedicated to the task of serving e-mail. 用于邮件服务的网络服务器。
A web server that hostsweb services like providing web site space to companies or individuals. 一个网络服务器,主机网络服务,像提供网站空间给公司或是个人。
A web server you can logon to, and download files from (or upload files to). 你可以登录该服务器,并从上面上传或下载文件。
A web technology for streaming movies from a web server to a web client. Developed by Microsoft. 用于在客户端播放站点电影流的网络技术,由微软开发。
A web validator is a software program that can check your web pages against the web standards. 网络认证器是专门根据网站的标准来检验网页的软件程序。

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