MADRID , Jan 19 (Reuters Life!) - A Colombian woman called Darling has been told she cannot become a Spanish citizen because her name is unacceptable.
马德里时间:1月19日(路透社)-一位名叫塔林(对应中文意为“亲爱的”)的哥伦比亚女性被告知她不能入籍西班牙,问题在于她的名字。 |
MADRID, London and now Mumbai: a hideous new evil stalks the world's great cities.
一种骇人听闻的新罪恶潜伏在世界的大都市里,马德里、伦敦,现在还有孟买都成为了受害者。 |
MADRID, Spain (AP) -- Barcelona's town hall has passed a resolution condemning bullfighting and declaring the city as Spain's first to oppose the centuries-old sport.
西班牙,马德里----巴塞罗纳市政厅通过一项决议,谴责斗牛活动,并宣布巴塞罗纳成为第一个反对这项有数百年历史古老运动的城市。 |
MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- World leaders, including 14 prime ministers, gathered for a state funeral in Madrid for the victims of the March 11 terrorist bombings.
西班牙,马德里--世界各地要人,包括14个元首,齐聚马德里,为3月11号恐怖炸弹袭击受害者举行国葬。 |
MAFIA/SPAM mine patterns from transactional databases.
MAFIA/SPAM从事务数据库中挖掘模式。 |
MAHLE Tianjin is a wholly foreign owned subsidiary of MAHLE Group, aiming to become the leading manufacturer for Air Intake Manifold, Cam Cover and filtration products in China.
马勒东炫滤清器(天津)有限公司是马勒集团和韩国东炫集团在中国建立的独资子公司。 |
MAHLE is planning to build up more plants in the future in China, to localize the production of its full range of products.
马勒还计划继续在中国设立工厂,实现其全部产品的本地化生产。 |
MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD won presidential office promising to give Iran's oil money back to the people.
伊朗总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪-内贾德上台时曾承诺要将伊朗的石油收入尽量用之于民。 |
MAIER S P GMBH - the society holds further information ready for all inquiries within the ranges Product, Small seiers, Production as well as for Extension clamping fixtures and Prototype by Mail.
MAIER S P GMBH是一家现代化的、可靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事膨胀紧固工具,小批量,产物、产品、(乘)积,生产、制造、产量,原形、样机,拉张工具,工具生产、工具制造、工具制造厂、工具车间,精密工具的制造、销售。 |
MAIN PROUCTS:Carbon Film Fixed Resistors,Metal Fixed Resistors,Metal Oxide Film Resistors,Fustble Resistors and Wirewound Fixed Resistors.
主要产品:碳膜固定电阻器,金属皮膜固定电阻器,氧化金属皮膜固定电阻器,保险丝固定电阻器及绕线固定电阻器,晶片电阻,大功率电阻。 |
MAIN STORAGE:Term synonymous with MEMORY.
主存储器:MEMORY的同义术语。 |