It was weird but oddly riveting to see his cursor click, click, click its way across my screen. |
中文意思: 看着他的鼠标指针在我的屏幕上滴答、滴答、滴答地点击,这真是一种不可思议而又古怪的感觉。 |
It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch.
这是伏特加酒,它有强烈的刺激作用。 |
It was wall-to-wall people - so crowded I couldn't even get close to where they were serving food and drinks.
屋子里挤满了人,挤得我根本没有办法靠近放食品和饮料的地方。 |
It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank as usual.
上星期日天气暖和。于是我和往常一样,又去河边坐着。 |
It was we that/who had a meeting in the meeting room yesterday afternoon.
昨天下午是我们在会议室开的会。 |
It was we who arrived there first, despite our detour.
尽管走了弯路,还是我们首先到那儿。 |
It was weird but oddly riveting to see his cursor click, click, click its way across my screen.
看着他的鼠标指针在我的屏幕上滴答、滴答、滴答地点击,这真是一种不可思议而又古怪的感觉。 |
It was well after mid night, wrapped in my warm 1)fleecy robe I stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting New York hospital.
时间早就过了午夜了,在雄伟威严的纽约医院,我裹在暖暖的羊毛睡袍里,静静地站在九楼病房的窗前凝视窗外。 |
It was when at Pentecost they were filled with the Holy Spirit that that Spirit from heaven brought down into their hearts the glorified Lord Jesus, they began the new life in the joy of the abiding presence.
五旬节时,他们被从天降下的圣灵充满,在他们心里荣耀耶稣,使他们有基督内住喜乐的新生命。 |
It was when we were having breakfast that she asked me about the pen.
是我们正在吃早点的时候,她问起有关钢笔的事. |
It was whether, given its size, its economic clout and its increasing dominance in the world today, it will someday eat our lunch.
当中国国家主席胡锦涛最近访问美国时,没有人再辩论中国应不应向美国的制度学习,大家关心的是什么时侯中国会取代美国的领袖地位。 |
It was while he was making a stew, that evening, with the last of the porcupine, that his sick friend rose, crept to his place at the table and there died.
那天晚上,他正在炖最后仅馀的豪猪肉,卡尼从床上起来,摸到桌子前坐下,死了。 |