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Suitable corrective measures must be taken to remove these obstructions, such as taper boring the pipe or installing a spacer.

Suit rapid freezing of fruits, vegetable, water food, noodle and flesh pieces. 广泛适用于水产、果蔬、面食、分割肉等食品的快速冻结。
Suit rapid freezing of fruits, vegetable, water food,noodle and flesh pieces. 适用于水产、果蔬、面食、分割肉等食品的快速冻结。
Suit the action to the word and the word to the action; with this special observance, that you o'er-step not the modesty of nature. 把语言和行动互相配合起来;特别要注意到这一点,你不能越过自然的常道。
Suitable For:The fancy cream eatable without any processing;Grade one and tow for butter processing &ingredients. 特级品稀奶油可直接供给食用,一级品和二级品可作为加工奶油或其他食品的原料。
Suitable candidates should be a SHARP (Synergistic, Highly-Organised, Assertive, Resourceful and Persistent) graduate with excellent communication and writing skills and demonstrated leadership ability and creativity in employment or through community inv 理想人选应当具有本科及以上学历,应具备SHARP(团队精神、优秀的组织能力、良好的决策能力、应变能力、性格坚韧),具备极强的沟通能力和书面表达能力,在工作或团队中具有卓越的领导才能和创新精神。
Suitable corrective measures must be taken to remove these obstructions, such as taper boring the pipe or installing a spacer. 必须采取适当的矫正措施来消除这些障碍物,例如对管道镗圆锥形孔或安装间隔垫片。
Suitable for MMA, argon arc, arc gouging welding. 可用于手工电弧焊、氩弧焊、电弧气刨.
Suitable for MMA/CO2/MAG/MIG/arc gouging welding. 可用于高性能手工焊/CO2/MAG/MIG焊和电弧气刨等.
Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting. 适合于…的适合于某特定的人,条件,事件或地点的;适宜的
Suitable for a wide range of low and high alloy steels, titanium alloys, austenitic stainless steels, heat resistant alloys, fibre glass reinforced plastics etc. 适合于低合金钢、高合金钢、钛合金、奥氏体不锈钢、耐热合金、玻璃纤维强化塑料等。
Suitable for acide with different concentration such as sulfuric acid,hydrochloric acid,nitric acid,phosphorous acid,chromic acid,acetic acid,etc,all kinds of organic solvent,mixture of different medium.Used widely for corrosion resistant projects such as 适用于各种浓度的硫酸、盐酸、硝酸、磷酸、铬酸、醋酸等酸类及各类有机溶剂、各类介质的混合物中,可广泛应用于硫磺梦烧炉、酸洗、发酵、贮罐、地坪、电解槽等防腐蚀工程中。

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