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You'd better act on his advice.

You'd be foolish if you didn't try to swing the odds in your favor, even if that means exaggerating injuries, giving crunch-time minutes to scrubs and disgracing the integrity of the game. 如果你不竭力占据有利选秀位置那就太傻了,即便这往往意味你得夸大球员伤病,在关键时刻派上几个千年板凳,玷污这项运动的纯洁。
You'd be very unwise not to agree with me. 您要是不同意我,那就太不明智了。
You'd be wise to seek out somebody who shares your appreciation for the finer things in life. 不过聪明的你誓要找到一个愿与自己共同分享人生的终生伴侣。
You'd been to the station to meet every train. 过去,你总是到车站去等每一班火车。
You'd best button up your mouth and don't phonate. 最好保持沉默而不要出声.
You'd better act on his advice. 你最好依他的建议采取行动。
You'd better ask him to pay cash, his cheques always bounce. 你最好请他付现金,他的支票总被银行拒付退回。
You'd better avoid making mistakes. 你最好避免犯错误。
You'd better be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket. Your only plan might not work! 你得小心,别把一切资源都投入在同一个地方。你唯一的计划未必行得通呢!
You'd better be careful who you pick your fights with. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye, right? 你要小心你的对手是谁。常言道,以眼还眼,以牙还牙吗?
You'd better blow out that candle before it sets fire to the tablecloth. 你最好还是把那蜡烛灭了吧,否则台布都要烧着了。

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