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“The differences between these models for regional seismicity have important consequences for efforts to quantify the seismic hazard in a particular region.

“The deeper we seek to enter into God's will for us, the stronger our faith will be that the Father can be content with nothing less than this, His child walking in the light of His countenance, and rejoicing in His Name all the day; and the stronger will 我们越寻求更深的进入神的旨意中,我们越发要坚定的相信:除了这件事以外,没有别的可使父满足:就是父要他的儿女在他的面光中行走,并且终日因他的名而欢乐;我们也就越发有把握,天父对我们所希望的,要藉着基督和圣灵来完成在我们里面。
“The defendants were repeatedly told that their actio violated the Co titution, but they chose not to heed those cautio ,”Perry wrote in the preliminary injunction i ued Wednesday. “被告被再三告知其行为违反了宪法,但他们却置若罔闻。”佩里在周三发表的初步禁令中写道。
“The defendants were repeatedly told that their actions violated the Constitution, but they chose not to heed those cautions,”Perry wrote in the preliminary injunction issued Wednesday. “被告被再三告知其行为违反了宪法,但他们却置若罔闻。”佩里在周三发表的初步禁令中写道。
“The dependency of one class to another one should depend on the smallest possible interface. 客户端不应该依赖于自己不用的方法。
“The difference comes from the absence of geometry in standard SOC models. “这种不同,来源于标准的SOC〔‘自组成危险状态’〕模型中缺少了几何学内容。
“The differences between these models for regional seismicity have important consequences for efforts to quantify the seismic hazard in a particular region. “这些模型对于地区性地震活动性的差别,对于量化一个特定区域的地震活动风险的努力产生重要的后果。
“The door can't be opened,” he cried out. “The clock hasn't been wound. “这门打不开了,”他喊道,“时钟没上发条。”
“The empathy, ambition and friendship in this group is exceptional. We are undoubtedly together. 热情,雄心,友谊把我们仅仅的绑在一起。
“The emphasis is on producing innovative thinking and preparing students for a global discourse,” he said. “It is natural that they would ask whether a history textbook that talks so much about Chinese suffering during the colonial era is really creating “重点在培养创新思维,使学生适应全球化进程,”他说,“他们自然会考虑,历史教材过分强调中国殖民地时期的苦难是否能真正培养适应于今日上海的精明人才。”
“The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind,” Winston Churchill once said. 温斯顿?丘吉尔曾经说过:“未来的王国是思想的王国。”
“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. 该条规定,不得因宪法只列举某些权利,而认为人民所保留的其他权利可以被取消或轻视,即所谓“权利保留原则”。

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