King Jeroboam was the First king of Israel's ten northern tribes.
耶罗波安是以色列北方部族的第一任王。 |
King Jie became suspicious and imprisoned hin, but set him free not long after.
桀大概是起了疑心,把他抓去关了一阵,没多久又放了他。 |
King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia expressed great happinessat the birth of their seventh grandchild.
西班牙卡洛斯国王和索菲娅皇后对孙辈中排行第七的小公主的出生表示非常高兴。 |
King Kamehameha I died in 1819.
国王卡美哈美哈一世死于1819年。 |
King Kamehameha I was an autocratic ruler, one who rules without any limits to his or her power.
国王卡米哈米哈一世是一位专制的统治者,他的权力并没有受到任何限制。 |
King Kwangkaeto\'s burial mound remains desecrated and unattended.
广开土王的古墓仍因无人看管而被污损。 |
King Li fled the court and the crown prince escaped death only by hiding in Duke Shao's home.
他们发起暴动赶走了周厉王,还打算杀死王太子,王太子躲在召公家里才逃得了性命。 |
King Longshank: The trouble with Scotland...is that it's full of Scots!
国王:苏格兰的麻烦在于:全都是苏格兰人! |
King Oedipus by Sophocles-the famous playwright of n1ait Greece-was a representative of the eternity of classical Greek tragedies.
由古希腊著名悲剧作家索福克勒斯所创作的《俄狄浦斯王》就是古希腊悲剧不朽而杰出的代表。 |
King Oedipus taken as the example, the aesthetic contribution of fate and associated ideas to classical Greek dramas can be viewed, and enlightenment from the spirit of classical art can be revealed.
若以《俄狄浦斯王》为样本,既可讨论命运观及其相关思想对于古希腊戏剧的美学贡献,又能揭示古典艺术精神之于现代人生观的启迪。 |
King Philip VI of France is crowned.
1328年的今天,法兰西国王菲利浦六世加冕。 |