The diaphgram gauge is mainly used in oil indestry.chemical industry.pharmacy industry and so on.
隔膜表主要用于石油、化工、制药、轻纺等工业部门生产过程中的压力检测。 |
The diaphragm and its movements (what is making us breathe?
横隔膜与其运作(我们是如何呼吸?) |
The diaphragm design for extremely quiet operation.
采用膜片设计其运作非常安静。 |
The diaphragm draws air into the lungs.
横膈膜向下运动让空气进入肺部. |
The diaphragm is between the chest and the abdomen.
横隔膜位于胸腔与腹部之间。 |
The diaphragm, for example, forces the lungs to take in air.
例如隔膜肌。它带动肺部吸入空气。 |
The diaristic novel, Nausea, is a representative work by Sartre, the forerunner of Existentialism.
摘要日记体小说《恶心》是存在主义哲学家萨特的代表作。 |
The diarrhea is particularly foul smelling and is sometimes yellow in color.
排泄物通常为黄色并拌有恶臭。 |
The diary also shows his light-hearted side.
日记也展现了他轻松的一面。 |
The diary of Angelina Jolie, a new documentary special on the poverty crisis in Africa, is headed to MTV this September 14 as part of MTV's new pro-social initiative think MTV.
MTV电视台将于九月十四日播放以非洲贫穷危机为题的记录片《安祖莲娜的日记》。观众可以追随著安祖莲娜祖莉和杰弗里医生到访非洲的巴尔绍理和肯雅的贫困村落,从中窥见那里粮食及食水短缺,乏善可陈的医疗设备的恶劣环境。 |
The diary portrays his family as quarrelsome and malicious.
日记中描述了他家反宅乱的事. |