It has been the sacred symbol of the Buddhists and the Jains.
它是佛教徒和耆那教徒神圣的符号。 |
It has been the theme of the Crimson Council, from the very first, that there are many changes for you at this time.
克林姆森委员会首先要谈的主题,就是有许多改变现在正发生在你的身上。 |
It has been theorized that a prenatal hormonal imbalance may predispose individuals to the disorder.
从理论上讲,父母亲性激素不平衡可能为孩子的病症留下根源。 |
It has been thus and will continue to be so.
事情一直是这样,并将继续这样下去。 |
It has been too often assumed that proofmust be what Kant called apodeicticthat is of the kind that we used to be familiar within Euclid, where the argument could be concluded with a triumphant Q.E.D. because every rational person who understands the prop
我们常常假定,“证据”一定是康德所称之“绝对肯定的”——那种我们在欧氏推论中所熟悉的,那种可以把论据推演到成功地“证完”,因为每个懂得命题的具有理性的人都一定会接受那样的推断。 |
It has been tuned for large-scale use through memory and disk image cache.
通过充分利用内存并使用存储镜像缓存使其能够适应大规模的应用。 |
It has been twelve years since the Nan Hwa University moves to launch the “Yayue Ensemble”, which is aspired to promote staging the Chinese imperial music, and heeds to the objective of culminating the university students to emulate ancient Chinese imperi
南华大学成立「雅乐团」已进入十二年头,以推展中国雅乐展演为职志,以训练大学生学习中国古老礼乐文明为目标,在十数年间已超过百场的演出,足迹遍及台湾全岛、中国与日本,深受各界的欢迎。 |
It has been two years since the abolition of the custom.
这种习俗已经废止两年了。 |
It has been unable to agree to a plan of work due largely to a standoff between China and the US over competing priorities.
它无法就中国与美国之间对领先优势的竞争所形成的越来越大的隔膜相互达成一个可以实行的计划。 |
It has been understood that wheat-maize rotation is inexorabily tending to high yield and benefit, which comes out of integrated technical measures, in grain production of Shandong province.
已经得知在山东省粮食生产中应用综合技术措施,小麦-玉米轮作必然会高产高效益。 |
It has been used as a way of curinghomosexuality, alcoholism and stuttering.
脱敏治疗是迫使一个人一遍又一遍的看打搅他的现象,直到他不在产生任何焦虑。 |