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In true exfoliation, the superficial lamella of the anterior lens capsule becomes loosened and peels off in a large scroll.

In treatment, acupoints of the two meridians with the exterior-interior relationship may be alternatively used. 在治疗上,表里两经的穴位可以相辅为用。
In tremolo, if you have the possibility of making it rounder or sharper, you can really affect the melodic feeling, and I think it's worth doing. 在轮指演奏上,如果你能够自如地弹出饱满或是尖锐的声音,那么你一定可以表现好音乐旋律的感觉,而且我感觉这是非常值得你去实践的。
In trials of pest-resistant cotton in Africa, yields have increased significantly. 在非洲进行的抗虫害棉花试验中,棉花的产量已大幅度提高。
In trials run under Brace or Small Pack Procedures, hounds should remain within control distance of the handler, and should be obedient to his commands. 比赛中,猎犬应该始终在牵犬人绳带的控制范围内,并且听从牵犬人的命令。
In trials, the new plant produced as much rice as the original under normal conditions, but over twice as much after prolonged flooding. 试种表明,新品种大米产量正常条件下与原品种产量相当,但在长时间洪涝后则是原品种产量的两倍多。
In true exfoliation, the superficial lamella of the anterior lens capsule becomes loosened and peels off in a large scroll. 在前者,可见到水晶体前囊的表层大片地剥离而漂浮于前房液中。
In truth , I forgot all about your request . 老实说,我完全忘记了你要求的事情。
In truth , it is easier to manage the problem of death than the problem of living as an old person . 虽然我们已开始研究有关临终和死亡这个为社会所忌讳的题目,但是我们却跳过了死亡来临之前、称为老年的那一段漫长的时间。
In truth all feminine goddess archetypes are the same soul - just as the same masculine god archetypes - in all creational mythos - are the same soul. 真实地,所有娇柔的女神原型都是同一个灵魂——就像相同的阳性男神原型一样——在所有创造的神话里面——是同一个灵魂。
In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dauzzle your eyes. 其实所谓自由正是最牢固的枷锁,虽然它的链环在阳光下熠熠闪光,令你目眩。
In truth the other person is your most sensitive self given another body. 实际上,别人就是你最敏感的自我所在的另一个载体。

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