Zili machinery offers complete precision sheet metal manufacturing services to leading companies in the fields of high technology ,military, communications, textile/cnc tooling Industry equipment and Apparatus equipment and etc.. Our services include assi
产品应用范围极为广泛,在航空航天、仪器仪表、通信网络、工业设备、计算机数据网络以及其它高科技应用领域的机械设计都有其广泛的适用性。 |
Zillion attributes that make him so very special!
使他那麽特别的无数属性! |
Zillions of code examples on the web.
网上数量巨大的代码例程。 |
Zimbabwe , Belize and Laos were listed among the worst offenders in last year's report but are now in the second tier group.
津巴布韦、伯利兹和老挝进入去年报告最差名单的国家,现在进入了第二阵营。 |
Zimbabwe devalues its currency as part of its battle to tackle its deepening economic crisis.
辛巴威贬值它的货币当处理它的加深的经济危机的它的战争的一部份。 |
Zimbabwe has the lowest score of the 141 countries surveyed.
津巴布韦是141国家和地区中得分最少的国家。 |
Zimbabwe is hardly the worst story from Africa.
津巴布韦不是非洲历史“尘封”的最为糟糕的一页。 |
Zimbabwe's new banknotes are a nightmare for the visually impaired, it was reported recently.
据媒体近日报导,辛巴威发行的新钞已成为视障者的梦魇。 |
Zimbabwe, Belize and Laos were listed among on the worst offenders in last year's report, but are now in the second tier [till] group.
津巴布韦、伯利兹和老挝从去年的最差国家,今年进入第二梯队。 |
Zimmer: It makes us the prime target. There are a half a dozen other third world countries with atom bombs who'd love to drop one on us.
把我们看成头号目标。至少有半打以上拥有核武的第三世界国家,恨不得把原子弹扔到我们头上。 |
Zimmer: Radchenko is a fanatic , okay? He's a potential Hitler. Someone should stand up and shoot him.
罗千科是个狂人,对吧?他活像个希特勒,人人得而诛之。 |