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Better take the medicine within half an hour after meals.

Better services can be provided in stateroom, but you have to pay for it. 在头等舱可以得到最好的服务,但那是你付钱买来的。
Better stem nut lubrication control. 更好的阀杆螺母润滑控制。
Better still, take your mate and let them foot the bill. 更好的是带上你的伴侣,让他们付帐。
Better still, these returns had minimal correlation with shares and a negative one with bonds (when bond returns went down, currency returns tended to go up). 此外还有一个优点:这些回报与股票相关性很小,与债券则有著负的相关性(债券回报降低之时,货币回报倾向于升高)。
Better take about something else. 我们最好谈点别的话题吧。
Better take the medicine within half an hour after meals. 服药时间以饭后半小时为好。
Better technologies can square the circle of economic growth with sustainability. 较好的科技还可以藉永续力重新调整经济成长的循环。
Better than a thousand utterance with useless word is one single beneficial word, by hearing which one is pacified. 读诵没有用的话语一千句,倒不如只听到一句有益的话带给人安宁。
Better than anyone, they know the odds, particularly for a kid from a New York suburb. 他们比任何其它人都清楚这个概率,尤其是对于一位从纽约市郊来的孩子来说。
Better than the suffering of greed: content. Better than the suffering of hatred: compassion. Better than the suffering of ignorance: intellgence. Better than the suffering of defilement: joy. 思量贪欲苦,满足便是福。思量瞋恨苦,慈悲便是福。思量愚痴苦,明理便是福。思量烦恼苦,欢喜便是福。
Better than the suffering of jealousy: magnanimity. Better than the suffering of arrogance: respect. Better than the suffering of competition: co-existence. Better than the suffering of frustration: making good affinity. 思量嫉妒苦,包容便是福。思量我慢苦,尊敬便是福。思量计较苦,放下便是福。思量挫折苦,结缘便是福。

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