Raise your eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of the greatness that is within you.
升起在琐碎上面的你的眼睛而且跟随在你里面的伟大的路径。 |
Raise your hand if you want to ask a question.
想发问请举手。 |
Raise your hands up straight so that I can count them.
把手向上举直,这样我能点数。 |
Raise your shield as high as you can.
尽量把你的盾牌举高。 |
Raised portion or full face may be furnished unless otherwise specified on order.
除非在订购时特别说明,否则将配置凸起部分或整个法兰面。 |
Raised the camera up high as I could, kept my hand not shaking for no flashlight.
然后把相机举得高高的,手也必须很定,因为没用闪光。 |
Raised to be a guide and friend, he later becomes a seeing-eye dog and opens up the heart of his master, guiding him on the last walk of his life.
另边厢,渡边先生再度重遇失明前的同事和重回昔日经常留连的街道,勾起无限回忆。 |
Raised to serve the Lich King as a Banshee, she desired to become pure substance once more.
在被巫妖王复活成女妖之后,她决定为自己寻找新的躯体。 |
Raised visibility range for VASI lights at night.
VASI(跑道两侧灯光)在夜间视距内会高于地面。 |
Raised when alert, on level with the top of the skull.
当警戒时,耳朵提高,可到头骨水平位置。 |
Raised, conical seat prevents solids build-up from interfering with seal. Seat is hardfaced with Stellite to meet severe service. Alternative space age alloys are also used.
凸起的、锥形阀座避免实心颗粒淤积影响密封。阀座采用钨铬钴合金进行硬面处理,能够经受恶劣环境的考验。也可采用航空工业用合金制作的阀座。 |