HE shift to a well-known Computer company.
他跳槽去了一个著名的计算机公司。 |
HE was approximately the size of a matchbox.
小狗大概只有火柴盒那么大。 |
HE/Delay is good for targets under vegetation, and for flipping vehicles.
高爆/延时弹对植被履盖下的目标或跳动的车辆效果良好。 |
HE/VT is also effective against stationary armored vehicles.
高爆/变时弹对静止的装甲车也有效。 |
HE: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
他:别害羞嘛,约我出去。 |
HE: I love you and I could die for you!
他:我爱你并且可以为你而死。 |
HE: I would go to the end of the world for you.
他:我愿为了你去到天涯海角。 |
HE: Shall we go see a movie?
他:我们去看电影好吗? |
HEAD : Head foxy in shape and appearance, with alert, intelligent expression, skull fairly wide and flat between ears, moderate amount of stop.
头部:形状外观如狐,表情机警、聪明,头骨较宽且两耳间平坦,额段深度适中。 |
HEAD SHAPE: medium in width and slightly longer in length than width with a squareness to the muzzle. Allowance should be made for broadening in older studs. Cheekbones high.
头的形状:中等宽度,头的长度稍微长于宽度,口鼻部是方的。对于老年的公猫头变的更宽是可以允许的。高的颧骨。 |
HEADACHE? EAT FISH! Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches.
头痛?吃鱼吧!吃多多的鱼--鱼油可帮助你预防头痛。 |