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There are two main nationalities in our village.

There are two loisting mechanisms for independent operation. 起升机构采用两套独立卷扬机构作为主、副卷扬机构。
There are two main categorises: paper and plastics. 有纸质、塑料两大类。
There are two main examples of such junk. 此类垃圾,有两个好例子。
There are two main kinds of moods-sentimentality arid illusion in Xiaoshan's Poetry. 摘要小山词中主要存在着伤感与虚幻两种情感心态。
There are two main methods. 具体有两种方法。
There are two main nationalities in our village. 我们村子有两大民族。
There are two main other ways: we can inject something that makes the unwanted cells commit suicide but doesn't touch other cells, or we can stimulate the immune system to kill the target cells. 有两个主要的其他方法:我们可以注射某些东西,使无用的细胞注定要自杀但又不触及其他细胞,也可以刺激免疫系统来杀死靶细胞。
There are two main reasons why crunch hurts a project like ShortHike. 其一是,长时间的工作虽然短期内会提高你的产出,但是最终却会损失更多。
There are two main techniques available - alternating and successive. 有两种方法——交替式和连续式。
There are two main themes to May Day, one more modern and the other more ancient and primal. 五一节有着两个意义,一个较现代,一个较为古老和原始。
There are two main things that really hold back the Internet. 有二件主要的事物真的把握回英特网。

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