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Any statement against the government is like a red rag to a bull to that minister.

Any solution needs to strike a balance between two laudable but incompatible aims: keeping the intimacy of small-state retail politics and letting the huge numbers of people who live in the big states have a say. 任何解决方案都需要公平的处理两个值得赞许,却又不可调和的目标:保持较小的州“零售政治”的亲民性,又使得生活在较大州的大量民众有表达的机会。
Any special agreement under which the contracting carrier concerned assumes obligations not imposed by this Chapter or waives the rights conferred by this Chapter or any special declaration of interest in delivery at destination contemplated in Articles 1 任何有关缔约承运人承担本章未规定的义务或者放弃本章赋予的权利的特别协议,或者任何有关依照本法第一百二十八条、第一百二十九条规定所作的在目的地点交付时利益的特别声明,除经实际承运人同意外,均不得影响实际承运人。
Any special requirements such as Gear operation, Motor operation, Hydraulic or Pneumatic Cylinder operation, Anti-friction bearing yoke sleeve, By-Pass of drain, etc. must also be specified on purchase orders. 如果有特殊要求,如齿轮操作机构,马达执行机构,液动或气动缸体执行机构,耐摩擦轴承轭架套管,排泄旁路,等等,在订购时都必须特别注明。
Any spillage of chemical should be reported to your supervisor immediately. 任何时侯溢出化学品必须立即报告给你的主管。
Any staff member or employee of an electric power enterprise who intentionally delays urgent repair and maintenance on electric power facilities or delays power supply for rescue and relief work and thereby causes serious consequences, shall be prosecuted 电力企业职工故意延误电力设施抢修或者抢险救灾供电,造成严重后果的,比照刑法第一百一十四条的规定追究刑事责任。
Any statement against the government is like a red rag to a bull to that minister. 任何反对政府的言论都会使那位部长大发雷霆。
Any statesman is in part the prisoner of necessity. 任何政治家都或多或少地是一些当务之急事情的俘虏。
Any stationary, hardware, auto parts, housewares, toys, gifts etc., be packaged can be used. 各种文具用品、小五金、汽车零件、家庭用具、玩具、装饰品、礼品等之包装适用之。
Any stimulation or change in our lives — such as getting married or changing jobs — can cause stress. 我们生活中的任何刺激和变化,如结婚或换工作等等,都会造成压力。
Any stocks or bonds? 有股票或债券吗?
Any strong adverse reaction, as to a political movement. 对政治运动等的)强烈不利的反应。

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