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A further complication was Fred's refusal to travel by air.

A further account of Glubbdubdrib. Ancient and modern history corrected. 进一步介绍“巫师国”;修正古代和当代历史。
A further advantage is that the computational cost of method lookup during dispatch is drastically reduced when compared to delegation, where an exhaustive search must be made of the entire delegation chain before failure to find a method or slot can be a 进一步的优点是查找属性运算的消耗同授权相比大大降低了,授权查找必须遍历整个委托链才能判定不存在。
A further advantage of this method of working is that the sodium alcoholate can very conveniently be made by mixing the sodium with a proportion of the hydrocarbon which is to be used as the solvent for the reaction and adding the required amount of the a 另外这种方法还有一个优点:纳和一定比例的碳氢化合物混合在加入所需数量的乙醇可以方便制备乙醇纳,而碳氢化合物可以作为溶剂使用。
A further angle worth considering is that this “Real Madridgate” is all part of the political game that a lot of clubs play during this cut and thrust period of transfer dealings. 我们应该更深入的考虑到,这次的“皇马门”事件纯粹是政治斗争中的一部份,许多俱乐部都会在这个暧昧的时期玩这种“转会把戏”。
A further code for broadband communication equipment is under development. 一个针对宽带通信设备的法规目前正在制订之中。
A further complication was Fred's refusal to travel by air. 更麻烦的是弗雷德不肯坐飞机.
A further complication was his refusal to travel by air. 更麻烦的是他不肯坐飞机旅行。
A further old distinction is that of two year moieties, the uttarayana (northern course), when the Sun has passed the spring equinox and rises every morning farther north, and the daksinayana (southern course), when it has passed the autumnal equinox and 更加古老的划分是一年分成二等分:乌塔拉雅拿(“北回归线”),太阳经过了春分点之后,每天早上都会在更加往北的方向升起来;达西拿雅拿(“南回归线”),太阳经过了秋分点之后,每天都不断地在往南的方向升起来。
A further referendum on joint sovereignty was rejected with 17,900 votes to 187. 英国重申立场,表示「除非自由民意表决,否则绝不会把直布罗陀的主权移交他国」。
A further research into this issue will do good to our understanding of Liang Qichao and the development of history in the late QIng Dynasty. 如果能对这个问题进行进一步的研究,将有助于推进我们对于梁启超和清末历史发展的理解。
A further study of the way and theory of cutting hard brittle material in plastic state is presented. 阐述了进一步研究在塑性状态下切削硬脆材料的理论、方法,并提出了今后的设想。

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