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A habitat of Uca formosensis is located at the estuary of Putzu Creek, Tungshih, Chiayi County, on the right of this figure is Avicennia marina.

A gymnast needs willpower and determination,intelligence and creative expression of feeling. 体操运动员要有坚强的意志、决心、机智灵敏,并有对情感的创造性表达能力。
A gymnast on the trampoline was turning (ie performing) somersaults. 有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻.
A gymnastic session of workers of a watchmaking factory in the working class sector of Tchao Yang. 手表厂工人正在做操,摄于产业工人聚集的曹杨地区。
A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary; with two or more separate carpel, apocarpous; and with fused carpels syncarpous. 只有一个心皮的雌蕊称单心皮,具两个或更多分离的心皮称离生心皮。
A gyroscope consisting of a rotating wheel in a rigid case. 回转轮一种由装在固定的盒中的一个转轮组成的回转仪
A habitat of Uca formosensis is located at the estuary of Putzu Creek, Tungshih, Chiayi County, on the right of this figure is Avicennia marina. 图12.台湾招潮的栖地之一:嘉义县东石朴子溪口,图右侧矮小的红树林为海茄冬。
A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chinglo, Penghu (Pescadores), which is the only habitat distributed outside of the Taiwan island. The mangrove within is Avicennia marina. 图16.台湾招潮的栖地之一:澎湖青螺,台湾招潮唯一在台湾岛以外的栖地,图中的矮小红树林为海茄冬。
A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Chuwei, Taipei County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. 图7.台湾招潮的栖地之一:台北县竹围,图中的红树林为水笔仔。
A habitat of Uca formosensis is located in Fangyuan, Changhua County, the mangrove within is Kandelia candel. 图11.台湾招潮的栖地之一:彰化县芳苑,图中的红树林为水笔仔。
A habitual attitude of skepticism or resistance to the suggestions, orders, or instructions of others. 否定态度,怀疑主义对别人的建议,命令或指导持习惯性的怀疑态度或反对意见
A habitual manner of acting to achieve an end. 手法,技巧为达到一目的而采取习惯的行动

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